Love through the ages.

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A/N this request was made SteveLovesBucky who wants a Dolores and Mariano fluff romance fic. Sorry that is more focused on Dolores then there kids and Mariano..


Dolores Madrigal is 29 year old. She and her husband and her two youngest kids are waiting and watching their three 5 year old. Today her triplets are getting their gifts. The rest of her family is there too. Her parents, Tio Bruno Tia Julieta, Tio Agustin, are in the crowd, along with her brothers and cousins. All of them excited and waiting, with held breath. It's been years since the last gift ceremony, that being Antonio's, and everyone was wondering if the newest generation would get a gift or not after the whole Casita falling.

Her Abuela, even at the age of 78, was standing proud, even without the candle she still continues the tradition, this time with a normal candle. Six little hands touch their door, which glowed and swirls. The doors glow and carving and names are shown. All three of her babies have gifts. One can control fire, his emotions connection to his power, just like his Abuela Pepa. Another boy has the ability to hear people's thoughts, and her last boy has the ability of enchant singing, like a siren.

When the boys got their gift and everyone move into a different rooms to party and mingle, Dolores and her family crowd the triplets and hug and coo at them. Her little boys are dress in white suits with accents of blue (to represent the Guzman).

She, her boys, and Mariano dance and dance all through out the night. Happy for the family, happy that her boys have a gift and happy that her boys know much love their parents and family love them.

Dolores is 26 when her second pair of babies are born. Twins. One boy and one girls. Carlos Madrigal and Luz Madrigal. Dolores and Mariano Madrigal now have 5 children. 5 Perfect, happy, adorable children. The most children to have in their family. A record-breaker. She's definitely not going to have more children.

On the day of the twin's
birth she was out with her Mama and brothers, exploring the town, which was growing and expanding  since the Casita Falling. (The mountains couldn't be re-close so the town made a giant gate. It was useful, to travel and to come and go and she and the town can explore and experience new things.)

She felt her water break and the start of contractions. She calmly to her mom who immediately started to try and somewhat fail, at holding in her panic. Her bothers and to help her back to the Casita (it a unspoken tradition to have the kids at home.)

After a surprisingly short (short in comparison to her first birth with the triplets) her babies were born. Mariano fainted and the triplets were waiting with their Tio's. Once they were allowed inside the room, the 1-year olds waddle inside with their Tios and wave and talk to the babies.


It wasn't a lie when Dolores told Isabela that Mariano wanted 5 kids. She overheard Mariano talking to someone ask how many kids he would like in the future "three are ideally but I prefer having 5."

Well his wish was granted. At the ripe age of 25, she became pregnant, a year  after there wedding. She found out that she was having triplets. She could feel and hear three little heartbeats. When she first told the family around dinner she Mama and Papa started to cry. Rain came down at the dinner table, soaking everything and everyone. There was a a giant rainbow both above Pepa and outside. It was a sight to see a rainbow against the night sky.

Her pregnancy was difficult. It was hard moving, it was hard with her constant mood swings and it was hard to be surrounded by her family 24/7. Thankfully the triplets were born, on a spring warm day. All three of them healthy and happy.

3 healthy baby boys.

Santiago Madrigal, Holden Madrigal, and Elwood Madrigal.

Mariano faint when the first boy was born. Her mama was crying and raining, she had to stay out of the room for Dolores and the babies safety. Thankfully her Papa was there, somewhat embarrassing to Dolores, but he help her thought it, and took a bunch of pictures.

Dolores is 24 and she getting married. She keeps having to pinch herself to see if she's dreaming. She not. She in a gorgeous ball gown dress, it's cover in flowers and lace. With ruffles and a necklace and rings and a vail and a flowercrown. She dress to the nines. Fancy and elagent and to fairytale princess like.

She can hear her Mama raining. She smiles and she walk down the aisle. This is one of the biggest wedding in Encanto. Mariano is standing there at the end, lightly crying as well. He's wear a black suit and a flowercrown as well. He's handsome.

Camilo and Antonio are Mariano best man, Isabela and Luisa are her best women. Mirabel is the flower girl and Parce, Antonio's jaguar is the ring bearer.

When she and Mariano exchange their bows and kiss the crowd goes wild. There now Mr. and Mrs Madrigal.

Later at the reception, Dolores overhears Tio Bruno joking about how pepa was going to cause another hurricane. She chuckles to herself and she hear that her Mama chasing her Tio outside, threatening to zap him.

Oh, wow this wedding cake is delicious..

The Casita is being rebuilt. No it's not the time for romance. That was she told Isabela and Mirabel. But the girls didn't listen and they set her and Mariano up. While Dolores is very, extremely happy to now finally have the man of her dreams, she is a little over her head. She's only 21 and she doesn't know anything about dating or romance, unless you count fairytales and books.

She is holding Mariano by the upper arm, she can hear Isabela and Mirabel cheering and yelling in happiness. She rolls her eyes. She leads her and Mariano toward the town to get some coffee and to go on a make-shift date. A date! Kind of? She'll figure it out.

"Dolores will you marry me?" Mariano ask. Dolores pause slight, blushing. The words yes are on the tip of her tongue. "Slow down." She jokes. She can't rush love or married, her Mama told her that. If you love someone you won't care about marriage, you just want to spend time with them. Married is just a ceremony and a ring, for some people it's unnecessary, for other it's the most important thing. It just depend on your preferences.

March frowns, "too fast?"

"Too fast. Ask me in a year or two."

Dolores is 7 years old and she crying. Her Tio Bruno gave her a vision that the man of her dreams would be married to someone else. Betrothed to another. She doesn't know what that word mean but it sounds fancy.

"It's ok Lola. I'm sorry. Please stop crying." Her Tio says, patting her head and she cry into his lap. Of this was a fairytale then this would be the moment we're she brave and fight a dragon or a evil wizard to fix for her prince. But this want a fairytale and her Tio had a vision about her being alone.

She cry harder. Will her love ever be hers?

Dolore and Isabela are 5 years old. They both just got their gifts. Isabela can make plants and she can hear super well! Currently she and Isa were playing outside in the mud, Isabela jumping and screaming while growing plants and flowers. Dolores wore a headscarf to help her ears, but she also jump in the mud.

"Look out!" A voice calls, it's higher pitch and coming fast. Suddenly a body is rolling down the Casita's hill. A boy landed in front of them, landing in the mun.

"Mariano! Are you ok dear?" A voice, a lady up at the top of the hill calls down.
The boy, Mariano, stands up and turn around "I'm good Ma! Are you ok? Don't fall it's slippery!" He turn back around and hold out his hands.

"Hi! I'm Mariano. Mariano Guzman. My Mama and I are visiting your Abuela."

Mariano has mud all on his shirt and pants, some in his hair too. There bits of rocks and a lot twig stuck in his hair.

Dolores stutter out her name. She can feel herself blush.

This boy is a prince. And she is a princess or a fair maiden. He's the man of her dream. She just has to get him to notice her.

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