Chapter 1

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Present day

"Are you sure about this?" My mother asked me as I climbed into my old beat up car. "You're so young Yvonne, you shouldn't go alone."

"Mom, calm down, I'm just going to see Aunt Elizabeth, and besides I'm nineteen, I'm old enough to do a lot on my own." I rolled my eyes as I closed the car door.

"Listen sweetie, I know you're in a lot of pain right now and I know how it feels...but are you absolutely sure you wanna drop everything to go see old Elizabeth." My mom leaned on the car door.

"Pain...yeah you could call it that." I sighed, "look I've got to go, Aunt Elizabeth is expecting me." I jutted my neck out to kiss her cheek.

"Well..." My mom gazed downward, " safe Yvonne." She smiled a little before standing up off of the door.

I smiled at her a bit and waved my hand at her as I drove out.

Her smile quickly faded as I drove away, I saw her in the rearview mirror.

A few days ago I never would have thought of going to Aunt Elizabeth's, most of the family saw her as an old crock who didn't know her ear from her nose. She was my mother's oldest sister, who lived in a small town in the middle of Kansas, and had always lived in the same house. She was alone now though, my grandparents were dead and her siblings all moved away. She was rumored to have a child, but no one really knew anything about her kid.

A few days ago I did think I had everything in the world...the best boyfriend, the best grades, the best love, the best life...but it all came crashing down two days ago....when my boyfriend of five years, who I thought was going to propose to me, broke up with me..."to marry the love of his life" he said...

Funny, I thought that was me.

I broke down in tears and cried forever...unluckily for me Aunt Elizabeth called me at that opportune time.

She asked me a lot of things and then invited me to stay with her for a while...

As I had lived with my boyfriend, I'm my muddled mind, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

I drove an entire day to reach Aunt Elizabeth's place in Greenville, Kansas.

I hadn't seen her since I was a child, and even then she was...eccentric to say the least. 

Greenville wasn't very large, and the sign read that it only had a population just under two thousand.

Aunt Elizabeth's house was secluded too, it was on the middle of a great field and it seemed to have been constructed over a hundred years ago.

As I pulled into the driveway, I will admit a great deal of shock as I looked up at the massive house.

"How can she live here alone..." I asked myself as I stared at the brick structure. I pushed the door open and dragged myself out of the car.

My joints popped and moaned as I stretched my tired body.

"Is that my Evie?!" I heard an excited shout come from the house.

I jerked my head around to see a woman with whitening blonde hair rushing out of the house. She wore a long patterned dress with an spring over the front and sturdy boots were on her feet.

"Evie you've grown so much!" She gushed at me as she ran to me for a hug.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me. "Aunt...Elizabeth...?" I breathed out in a questioning manner.

"Oh fiddle fiddle Evie! Everyone around here calls me Lizzie, so you should too! We are family after all." She beamed as she pulled away from me.

"A-Alright Aunt Lizzie..." I agreed as I began to pull my bags from the car.

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