Chapter 20

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I rushed to Kimimela as Akecheta strode over. He looked mad, and I was afraid to rouse anger in him. Something in me told me not too.

Cheta! She called. I thought you were on the hunt!

I was. He answered her, trying to eye me.

What is it then? She stood still and let me hide.

What is she doing here? He asked, gesturing to me.

She, Kimimela stepped closer, is learning to sew.

Sew? Where is Nawaji? He seemed gruff and in a bad mood.

Don't know! Don't care! Besides, you know that Nawaji is terrible at sewing! This little one took an interest! She smiled the entire time she talked. It does not bother me.

I take it you know what she learned today? His hands went to his hips.

Cheta, don't start. Her tone fell. You did bad telling Nawaji to teach her. She took my hand and guided me back to the shirt. "Sew." She smile commanded as she took another step toward Akecheta.

I continued to pull the needle in and out of the material, but I kept my ears open...trying to hear my name or the other lady's.

I-. He began.

I nothing! Kimimela put her hands on her hips. You know how Nawaji feels, and yet you do this? Such a stupid man.

She needs to fit in. His voice fell.

She will. Kimimela countered him, if Nawaji doesn't make sure of it, I will!

Akecheta just looked at her. Then he turned to me.

Our eyes met only for a second but I was quick to turn my eyes downward from his.

Just...keep her safe when I'm not here. He spoke sternly to Kimimela.

She folded her arms, Of course! As if she was one of my own daughters! Her mouth formed a long line after she spoke. Her head cocked to the side, showing slight annoyance. Now go to work. She pointed to a group of men climbing onto some horses.

Akecheta shook his head and once more looked to me. As my eyes peaked up at met his, he grunted, then left.

"Is he angry?" I asked her quietly as I continued to sew and watch him leave.

"Oh, Cheta?" She raised an eyebrow. "No little one, not at you." She smiled sweetly. "He is always grumpy like a mustang."

It took me a minute to understand her reference...but when it clicked in my mind, "Why?" I asked, the only image of a mustang in my mind was a bucking beast who could kill with one kick.

"He have no woman." She spoke calmly as she came beside me and started to sew on the other side of the shirt. "No woman good for him. He is not grumpy man...he is sad man. No woman, sad life." She shrugged as she yanked the needles through a thick part of the hide.

"Why didn't he accept Nawaji into his teepee then?" I made sure to use words she'd understand as her English seemed elementary at best.

"Cheta no like Nawaji. You notice, yes? She hard woman. She always look angry. She not sweet. She skilled but...bad woman." She whispered as she stayed the last bit.

"Why is Nawaji so hard?" I asked.

"Her mother, die having baby, long time ago." She gestured toward a teepee not far away. "Nawaji father, he get new woman, new woman son Mahpee." She spoke as Mahpee came out of the teepee, followed by an older woman. She in turn was followed by a man with salt and pepper hair. "That Nawaji family, but she so mad. Blame her mother dying on Father." She sighed. "It not his fault. Her mother die with baby..." she looked like she was struggling with the words, "too much blood come out." She spoke slowly.

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