Chapter 14

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The sound of someone hollering loudly frightened me. I looked out into the night but I didn't seen anyone or anything out on the grassland.

The darkness swallowed the land and even though the sky above us was filled with stars and a crescent moon, they gave little light in the expanse. I thought I saw a shadow sweep across the plain, but I could not be sure. The darkness didn't seem to stop.

Another holler and a shout echoed along the wind.

I could have sworn they sounded closer than before. My body shit upward, and I walked a little bit away from the fire. My eyes narrowed and I tried to peer into the darkness. Sadly, no luck.

Another shout in the wind.

I felt my heart begin to race and I retreated back toward the fire.

Gideon was snoring slightly and before I could think, I was crouched down reaching out to him. I ignored my impeding skirt as I moved closer toward him.

I shook his foot, but he didn't move. He only groaned.

I got a little closer, then shook his body a bit. He still only groaned and barely budged.

"Gideon," I shook him more. "Gideon!" I spoke a little louder.

He groaned again and rolled over.

I reached out and smacked his ass.

He woke with a start. "God damnit Posh girl!" He said louder than he meant to, "What is it?!" He rubbed his behind.

"I-I think I heard something," I whispered.

"Heard what?" The twang in his voice was strong as he yawned.

"It sounded like someone shouting," I kept my voice low.

"Someone? Are you sure you're not hearing things?" He finally lowered his voice. "It was probably just the wind."

"No I'm not!" I fretted. "It's wasn't just the wind."

Just then another sound came. It sounded like someone hopping in the wind.

Gideon raised up more. His eyes narrowed as he peered out into the darkness.

"Did you hear that?" I shot back at him.

"Yeah, yeah I did." He whispered as he rose, grabbing the gun he had beside him.

"What are you gonna do with that?" I panicked.

"Shhh," he vocalized. "We are in to Indian territory, Yvonne." He began, "you never know what's out there." He clocked the gun and walked a little bit out from the fire.

I wasn't sure when we had entered Indian Territory...or indeed if we had actually entered what I knew as Indian territory.

Gideon was probably just talking about land that belonged to Indians...which meant we could've been anywhere.

I could still see him in the light as he looked around.

He stayed there a few minutes, looking out into the darkness, before he came back. "I don't see nothing." He sighed as he sat beside me, "but that don't mean they ain't there." He turned his head, staring back out into the blackness. "They could be hiding in the dark."

"How do you know so much?" I asked out loud without meaning too. In all the time I'd known him, he hasn't seemed like the book type. He didn't even seem very learned...but that could have been's not like we talked much and I hadn't seen him do much more than load around and conduct manual labor.

"I read for one, and two it's not hard to think about." He sighed, much to my surprise, "they know this place, we don't." He gestured between us before taking a seat next to me. "I read about these Indians before we left home." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Gideon didn't seem learned, but in actuality he was; and the way he held that gun made me realize he was learned in more ways than one.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as he joined me.

"Sittin' with you. It's better to be in a group than alone." He jostled me as he smirked.

I just stared at him as we huddled together in the night air.

Gideon didn't look much like his parents...either of them...but a solid mixture. His hair was dark and cropped short, his clothes hung a little on him, and his eyes seemed to shine in the firelight.

My eyes drifted closed and I couldn't help but lean onto him.

He too leaned into me and we supported each others weight. Our eyes drifted closed and sleep fell upon us.

The uneasy sleep ended with someone jostling me awake.

"Evie!"Nettie's voice roused me. "Come on," she beckoned me with her.

I yawned and found myself still leaned up against Gideon. His eyes were closed and he snored lightly. Nettie held her hand out to me and I grabbed it. She pulled me up from the ground and dusted me off.

"Gideon!" She shouted, kicking him lightly.

He only groaned.

"Gideon!" She shouted again, kicking him stronger.

"What?!" He shook awake, his eyes wide. He looked around for a minute until he saw his sister, "Damnit Nettie."

She just laughed and pulled me away.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I need you to help me lift this," she pointed at the heavy black pot.

"Yeah," I reached in the back of the wagon and helped her drag it forward.

"Nettie! Yvonne! Put that back! We got to get movin!" Muriel yelled suddenly.

"Huh?" Nettie and I looked at each other.

"Get on that wagon!" Muriel shouted. Nettie pulled herself up into the wagon and then helped me in.

Muriel threw in the two smaller children and climbed into the wagon with us.

"Gideon come on!" His father yelled.

"What happened Pa??" Gideon yelled as he scooped up the gun.

"Indians! On the horizon!" Jim shouted. "Let's get on outta here!"

"Yes, Pa!" Gideon climbed into the drivers seat of the wagon and helped Jim up into the drivers seat.

"Let's get!" Jim yelled as the wagons began to pull out.

Jim and Gideon drove the wagon away, following behind the others.

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