Chapter 24

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I could feel the heat rising in my body as Akecheta stared at me from above.

"You. Me. Together." He smirked a bit as his hand went to my leg.

I shook my head quickly.

Akecheta seemed to have ideas, ideas I did not have. I had not even known him more than a couple of days. He was basically a stranger, a handsome stranger, but that didn't matter so much. I was petrified of anything and everything to do with loosing my virginity...let alone to a damn near complete stranger.

As his hand began to slip over to my thigh, I knew that the fact we were strangers bothered him not.

I shooed his hand off at once.

His eyes widened as he looked at me and he did it again.

Again, I shooed it.

"You. Me. Do. Together." He repeated slowly as if I did not understand what he was alluring to.

I shook my head roughly. "N-no!"

"Why no?" He pulled back a bit, surprised at my denial of what seemed to be sex.

I stared at him for a moment. "Haven't we already had this conversation?" I tried to pull myself from beneath him, but I didn't have the strength he did.

"You tell me." He deadpanned, still grasping my leg.

"I-I-I-! I just-!" I tried to explain, but it was difficult with him staring. I took a deep breath, "" I struggled to say I was a virgin and I didn't wanna do anything with a stranger.

"What?" He was waiting patiently.

"I've never-!!!!" I gestured to the position we were in. 

He raised an eyebrow.

"Ugh," I vocalized, "I've never...done that." I felt the blush in my cheeks rise.

It was like a lightbulb clicked on in his brain. He sat up right, and his grip on my leg slacked, letting me yank my body into myself.

"You," he cocked his head to the side. "You no...?" He made a crude gesture with his hands.

Through warmed cheeks I shook my head back and forth. "No!" I forced myself to speak.

Akecheta seemed to think for a minute as he stared at me, but then he gave up whatever he was thinking and grabbed a bowl. Again he dipped water in it and tossed a piece of cloth at me.

"You-you still want me to-?!" I was flabbergasted he'd even ask.

"Yes." He say with his back facing me. "You do this, for me." He shrugged a bit, lazily relaxing as he waited.

"Uh..." I vocalized.

"Come, come!" He beckoned me with his hand.

I blinked a few times.

Do I need to call Nawaji here to show you how to do it?! His words fell like water from a waterfall and I understood nothing but Nawaji. I definitely didn't wanna see her again until I absolutely had too.

"I-I'm coming." I sighed as I crawled over, taking the cloth and soaking it in the water.

"You do." He leaned again.

I took a deep breath and began to slowly wash him off once more. He had gained new dirt from tussling around with me. The dirt, at least, came off easier than before. As I washed him, I'd wondered how I'd looked. I was probably just as if not more dirty, and I bet I didn't smell good...and yet he even still tried to do things with me...I couldn't believe it. I noticed Akecheta's hair was a bit of a mess too, it was frizzy and strands were coming loose. There was also a bit of dust or grass in it.

"This," Akecheta pointed at his hair, "this." He pointed at the water.

I assumed he meant he wanted to me somehow wash his hair.

"Uhm...." I vocalized.

"There." He pointed to a little chest.

I was quick to reach over and pull it closer to me. It had an old metal latch that was clearly rusted from age. I pulled it open and there were a few knickknacks littered in it. I yanked a comb out and latched it back.

Akecheta's braids were tied with leather, not something I was used to, but I was determined to not give him a reason to send me back to Nawaji. If I could make him think I already knew stuff, he wouldn't need to send me anywhere, and I could just do what I needed to do.

I gently pulled at the leather and it fell into my hands. I set it on the ground and carefully unbound his hair. It was almost like silk. There was a time in my life I would've killed to have hair like that. I shook his hair loose and a few small twigs of grass fell out. I dipped the comb in the water sloshed it onto his head. I was quick to notice he was enough taller than me that I couldn't sit and do anything, so I stood on my knees and began to comb through his hair. Akecheta said idly, not moving as I used the old comb on him.

"Do you...uhm...want me to put it back?" I unconsciously tapped on him.

"Hm?" He vocalized, wondering what I was talking about.

"Do you want me to-tie your hair?" I raised an eyebrow to show I was asking him what he wanted.

"Oh," he seemed to get it. "Yes, do." He smirked a bit and turned back around.

I just shrugged, not knowing why he smirked as I separated his hair into two columns. Luckily, I was keen enough with hair (at least on other people) that I could do just about anything. Braids were simple, and I could do them tightly. I yanked a bit at his hair and he didn't make a sound as I braided and retied the old leather onto the ends of the braids.

"I'm done." I sighed, sitting back down onto my behind, letting my legs splay out a bit.

Akecheta reached around and messed with the braids a bit, smiling the entire time. "Good." He mused as he stared at me in the ground. "Come." He laughed a bit as he reached down and easily pulled me upward.

His hand held my own as he led me out of the teepee. There was a little group congregating outside of it as he pushed the flap open.

What are you doing here? His voice came out strongly.

Nothing. A young woman piped up. Cooking.

Uh huh! More like being nosy. He spat back at her as he, while still holding my hand, led me from the small group.

It was then I noticed that he was leading us to another small group, situated around a little fire. My heart and ears perked up at the sight of Kimimela. As she rose from her pot and looked out, her eyes spotted me, and they lite up at one. She smiled widely and waved a bit.

As Akecheta pulled me closer, I saw Hanska, sitting with his back to me, and another lady with her back to everyone. As the lady stood and turned to the side, my heart fell a bit to see it was Nawaji, her face as stone and cold as ever.

Hello! Akecheta called singsong like.

Hanska turned a bit, smiling at once, but as Nawaji looked up, her small smile fell into a deep frown.

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