Chapter 25

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There were quite a lot of people in the West Canteen.

So even if Shen Qiaowei carried a handsome face, I couldn’t find him for a while.

Just when I was looking around blankly, someone patted me on the shoulder.

“Hi, classmate.”

When I turned around, it was quite a refined looking boy.

He looked a bit familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere.


Damn it, isn’t this the guy who kept calling “Qiaowei”, “Qiaowei” in the swimming hall? !

He was also one of the witnesses when I had entered the wrong locker room!

He was stopping me now, could it be….

Boy: “Classmate, I think you look familiar.”

Me: ……

Boy: “Do you have a light green jacket?”

Ah, help!

Boy: “Did you have long hair before?”

Did he recognize me! ?

Speaking of this, the boy stopped suddenly, and then pointed to the seat behind him: “Don’t stand, let’s sit there and talk.”

I was stiff all over as I sat down with him.

The phone in my pocket kept vibrating, and I could already feel Shen Qiaowei’s impatience.

The boy sat opposite me: “Classmate, what is your name? I will introduce myself first. My name is Ji Chao.”

Me: “The Ji from Yu Ji1?”

Ji Chao: “The Ji from Ji Chu2.”

A very… special last name.

Me: “My name is Cui Yingying.”

I stared down at the table, feeling the phone in my pocket about to explode.

Me: “Classmate, wait.”

I quickly turned on the phone and saw an infinite amount of new messages from Shen Qiaowei.

Ji Chao: “Boyfriend?”

Me: “No, my creditor.”

Ji Chao was taken aback, there was obviously something wrong in his gaze now.

I was afraid that he would misunderstand me as an innocent female college student who had gone astray and borrowed an unsecured loan or something, so I added: “…love debt!”

Ji Chao stretched out a long “Oh”.

I sent Shen Qiaowei a message back.

Me: Classmate Shen, there is an emergency on my side. My reputation will be destroyed soon. You can eat by yourself first. Next time…

Before I could finish typing, I heard Shen Qiaowei’s voice: “You’re here?”

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, didn’t you say you wouldn’t eat with me?”

Shen Qiaowei squeezed Ji Chao aside: “Go to the edge.”

Then he sat across from me.

I felt Ji Chao looking at me with strange eyes!

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, do you guys know each other?”

I quickly answered: “In fact, we are just ordinary…”

Shen Qiaowei: “Yes, I am her creditor.”

Me: ……

Ji Chao’s gaze towards me became more and more weird.

I wanted to cry but there were no tears, and I forcefully explained: “Actually…it’s not what you think…”

Ji Chao: “Oh.”

Me: ……

Help! I want to escape this place right away!

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, do you think that classmate Cui Yingying looks very familiar, have we met her at the swimming hall before?”

Shen Qiaowei: “I don’t think so.”

Ji Chao: “Then how did you two meet?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Why should I tell you?”

Ji Chao, who was stunned, sent me a piercing look in an instant.

Me: ……

Brother, what does this have to do with me?

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