Chapter 46

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I felt like my legendary experience could be written into a book, such as “How the domineering school hunk fell for me” or “A love sparked by a pair of underwear”.

I became Shen Qiaowei’s girlfriend just like this?

I was shocked and didn’t react for a long time until Ji Chao came to find me.

He asked, “Yingying, have you asked Qiaowei why he likes you?”

I shook my head: “No.”

Ji Chao patted me: “You’re really a blockhead, how could you not ask about this kind of thing!”

Me: ……

So I ran to ask.

After hearing my question, Shen Qiaowei looked at me, a smile in his voice: “Actually, I had seen you before.”


Shen Qiaowei hugged me gently and told me a long story.

He said that the first time he saw me was at the end of freshman year.

At that time, he went to the classroom to study, and saw a young girl crying while reading.

Although she was crying, she was being very serious.

He couldn’t help but stare at the young girl for a while.

For several days, he kept seeing the young girl in that classroom.

Of course, she was still reading while crying.

Me: ……

Me: “Don’t tell me the young girl is me, right?”

Shen Qiaowei nodded.

He asked me: “Were you heartbroken at the time?”

Me: ……

Me: “No, it’s because when I opened the book, I realized that I didn’t even write my name during my exam.”

Shen Qiaowei: …

Shen Qiaowei: “Did you fail that class in the end?”

I was quite proud: “I didn’t! Amazing, right?”

Shen Qiaowei continued.

Later, when he started volunteering, he met me again, actually he met me several times in a row.

He said that every time he volunteered, other girls would circle around him, and I was the only one working diligently beside him, carrying a water bucket up five floors without even panting.

Me: ……

Me: “So you fell for my strength?”

Shen Qiaowei: “It’s possible.”

Me: ……

Me: “Other people praise their girlfriends for being cute, how come you’re praising me for my strength?”

Shen Qiaowei smiled even more.

He gently squeezed my cheek: “Are you angry?”

Me: “Hng, no!”

Shen Qiaowei: “Cuteness is only one of your thousand good points.”

I blushed instantly.

Once this person started to say romantic words, they came one after the other.

Me: “What about the other good points? Are you…”

Shen Qiaowei accurately found my lips and blocked the rest of my words.

“From now on, I will slowly tell them to you.”

(The End)

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