'*•.¸♡ 2 ♡¸.•*'

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(Kanae is still alive by the way)

Your now 17 years old. Seven years had passed since you decided to become a Hashira. 

During those seven years, more demon slayers, joined the Hashira Corps.

As you and the hashiras were having an idle conversation, your crow flew in.

"CAW CAW! Y/n L/n, Kyojuro Rengoku and Sanemi Shinazugawa! Report to the Master right now! Repeat!! Y/-"

"Shut up will ya! We already heard!" you sighed, cutting your crow off, as you stood up.

"Well seems like we'll get a mission. See you all later." you say walking out as Sanemi and Rengoku followed you.

When you got to the Estate, the Master was already there waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Master, I continue to wish for your good health and well being," you softly speak, bowing along with Sanemi and Rengoku.

"Its quite alright Y/n and thank you." the Master quietly spoke.

"I called you three here to send you on a Mission. Two days away in a village has said to have a demon with a number three marked on its eyes. Follow your crows as they will lead you to this small village," the Master added.

"Uppermoon three.." you say.

"Indeed. I would like to ask you three, to go and slay it. After all, you are three of the strongest Hashira's. Any issues?"

"No master." you three synchronized.

Alright, I wo

It is quite a long trip," the Master smiled.

"Thank you Master! We will do our best!" Rengoku grinned.

After grabbing whatever other necessities were needed, you journeyed on into the mission. 


You walked until a few minutes before sunset, so you all decided to settle down.

"Lets settle here for the night, we leave at first light tomorrow." Sanemi said, as he stopped walking and turned to face you two.

You nodded and Rengoku smiled.

Afterwards, Sanemi gathered some sticks as Rengoku lit them using his Breathing Style.

"First form: Unknowing fire." Rengoku mouthed, as he lit the fire.

"Very nice," you mumbled, a light smile on your face.

After unpacking the sleeping bags, you started a small, but quite interesting conversation. 

"Since I was young, I've always thought that the stars were massive balls of fire, which were slowly falling to Earth. And I thought that maybe one day, stars would lead to the extinction of our species, because they would hit Earth like an Asteroid and we'll all die or something," you randomly say, while looking up at the stars.

"Is it weird that I also thought that? Like, it could have be true! We don't know what the future has in store for us," Rengoku replied, as he looked up at the stars as well, and back at you.

"Science states otherwise, since stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of hydrogen and helium that produce light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores." Sanemi added to the conversation. 

"Well, we knew that much but I was sort of referring to the Asteroids wiping us out in the future," Rengoku replied, staring at the bright burning flames of the fire. 

"I know right! WE could be the next dinosaurs," you smile, as Rengoku shook his head in agreement. 

"For hashira you two are so childish." Sanemi said, as you and Rengoku looked at him.

"We're not being childish, we're just reminiscing on our past thoughts," you reply.


After a few hours, the area was completely surrounded by darkness, as the moonlight illuminated your surroundings. 

"Guys! Lets have roast fish for dinner," you suggest, as both boys looked at you.

"That sounds quite nice," Rengoku smiled.

"But we need a river, pond or stream nearby to catch fish." Sanemi added.

"I know, I saw one not too far down from here earlier when we were walking. Follow me," you demand, as you grabbed your sword in case there was a demon.

"Okay so, if I remember clearly it should be just about here," you say moving some bushes aside, that revealed a lovely stream that glowed a bright iridescent blue.

"Okay so, if I remember clearly it should be just about here," you say moving some bushes aside, that revealed a lovely stream that glowed a bright iridescent blue

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Rengoku's mouth slightly hung as you giggled at his reaction.

"How is it glowing? Is it poisonous to fish here? Is it safe to fish here?" Rengoku bombarded you with questions.

"It glows because in the water there are Bioluminescent dinoflagellates, their a type of plankton that make the water glow, they aren't poisonous though, so yes its safe to fish here." you explain.

"Hey idiots! I just realized we don't have a net or a rod to catch the fish, what do we do now?"

Well I thought about it and came with the idea of making a fishing rod," you say.

"Of course you did." Sanemi mumbled.

You all made a fishing rod, out of a long firm stick, a vine and a piece of metal for the hook. For bait, you guys just dug up some worms and hooked them onto the iron at the tip of your rod.

You then lowered the fishing line into the water.

Moments after, the line started moving, you quickly pulled it up and caught a fish.

About 15 minutes into fishing, you caught five additional fishes and went back to your little camping spots to roast them.

After having a good dinner, you all went to sleep, since you would all have to get up early in the morning


Streaks of sunlight filled the blue sky, as dawn approached and by now everyone was already up and ready to leave. 

During the day, you took no breaks throughout the day and managed to get there at around an hour before sunset.

"There's the village!" you exclaimed, as you started running towards it.

"Y/n! Wait up!!" Rengoku grinned, as he started running after you, you both laughing like little kids.

"Aren't  those two tired?" Sanemi sighed and started picking up his pace.

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Vote if you liked the chapter babies❤❤

EDIT: There were so many grammatical errors in this but it was
still really fun to re-write.


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