'*•.¸♡ 16 ♡¸.•*'

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About an hour later, you both went outside your estate, to the butterfly mansion. Yesterday, you all decided to meet at the butterfly mansion at 8 a.m.

As you walked in, you were greeted by Aoi and the triplets.

"Good Morning Girls!" you say as Aoi waved and wished you a good morning.

After a small conversation, all the hashiras split up and most of the new, training to be the demon slayers, chose who they would MOSTLY like to train with, majority chose you.

"Alright! To my place we go!"

As you all got to your backyard, everyone wowed at the majestic scenery. "Alright! Please listen up!" you say as all their attention, diverted to you. 

"Would anyone would like to spar with me first? Its hand to hand combat." you ask as a boy with brown hair raised his hand, while smiling.

"Okay, step forward. May I know your name?" you say as the boy nodded. 

"Its Mitsuki!"

"Well Mitsuki, get ready!" you say and without even letting him reply, you dashed forward and tackled him to the ground.

"Work on your reflexes and speed Mitsuki. Remember your opponent won't give you a warning as to when they'll attack." you say as you gave him a hand to stand.

As the day carried by, you decided to give them a break. Its around lunch time now, and you having small talk with them. You got to know them and learn their names by heart. 

"Excuse me, Miss Y/n, don't you ever wonder why the good people die first?" A girl named Arista asked which made you pause.

Everyone went quiet waiting for your response. "Well, Arista, can I ask you a question?" you say as she nodded and replied, "Of course Miss Y/n!".

"In a garden of flowers, which flowers do you pick first?" you asked as she pondered.

"The most beautiful flowers," Arista replied, as you smiled an looked at her.

"Just like the most beautiful flowers get picked, Arista, the most beautiful and amazing people get picked by god first," you reply, everyone tensing at your response. 

All their eyes widened at your response before fading into a sympathetic smile.

"Miss Y/n, did you ever lose someone very dear to you?" a boy, by the name of Haru asked as you nodded and turned to him.

"Yes, I did." was all you said, before he apologized.

"Sorry for your loss, Miss Y/n." he said as you smiled.

"Now now! Don't get all sad on me! She's in a better place now...." you say giving a smile, while staring at the sky.

"Right! Its time for you all to train with Shinazugawa, lets go!" you say as you started walking.

The gruesome training with Sanemi ended up going straight until sunset, meaning everyone was exhausted.

They were all gasping, because of their tiredness, with scrapes and scratches all over their bodies, which was bleeding, but it was nothing serious. It still looked like it hurt though.

"All right to finish today's session, fifty laps around my field!" Sanemi said as they all groaned. 


"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME YOU LITTLE BRAT?!" Sanemi yelled back as Ren gulped. 

"Now now! Shinazugawa, let them rest. Tomorrow, will be a hard day, they have to train with Obanai and Giyuu after all!" you say as Sanemi rolled his eyes and walked back into his estate.

"Whatever," he replied just audible enough for you to hear.

They all yelped in relief as they ran to you, smothering you with thank you's and hugs. You then passed the pills out to them. 

"The pills, will heal your injuries and restore some of your energy.

"Thank you Miss Y/n!!" they all said in unison.

You just giggled and gave them a thumbs up.

After wishing everyone a good night, you went back home. 

"N/n, how was training?" Saiki asked as you smiled.

"It went great! They're all a great bunch." you replied as your stomach rumbled making Saiki laugh.

"That's good to know. Also! I already made dinner. Its pasta!" he said as your ears perked up.

"Yummy! I'm gonna take a shower first." you say as you rushed upstairs.

After showering, you quickly came back down, only to see your brother asleep on the kitchen table, his head resting on his hand with his eyes closed as he steadily breathed. 

You quietly snickered as you covered him with a blanket, took your share of the pasta and went outside.

As you sat on a swing at your backyard, you quickly ate your pasta as you set the plate down and looked up at the night sky. 

It was dark. Not a star in sight, even the moon was covered behind dark clouds.

A cold breeze blew as you suddenly sensed a presence behind you.

Before you could turn around the presence was right before you as you closed your eyes an heard a sword come out of its sheath. 

You slowly opened your eyes. 

"Y/n, are you hurt?" he asked.

"No, thanks to you! Thanks Muichiro," you say as you smiled. 

"You dummy. Why are you even out so late?" Muichiro asked.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air," you say as you looked at him. 

The moon had now started shining from behind the clouds. Muichiro's hair glistened in the moonlight as a gently breeze blew by making you slightly shiver.

"Why did you come?" you asked Muichiro as he shrugged. 

"I came to tell you that a swordsmith will be coming to give you your new sword tomorrow," Muichiro said as you paused. 

"My...Sword...?" You asked as he stared at you dumbfounded. 

"Yes? Didn't you sword break during the fight with Uppermoon One?" Muichiro said as you snapped your fingers.

"Oh yeahh, right!" you say, as Muichiro lightly chuckled.

"Awwwwww! That's the first time I've heard you laugh!" you say as Muichiro's laugh faded into a light smile.

"Let's head back inside, you're cold." he said as you nodded.

After getting back inside, Muichiro said he had something to do, but he'd come back tomorrow to check on you and your new sword. 

You checked on your brother one more time, who was still sound asleep before you went to sleep.







Late Update, my bad-
School just ended for me so I'm now on Easter Holidays!

Thanks for reading<3

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