'*•.¸♡ 5 ♡¸.•*'

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As you walked to the Master's Estate, you saw a boy with with a scar on his forehead who was wearing hanafuda earrings. As you walked closer, you saw both his hands tied up.

"What's happening here?" you asked.

When Tanjiro looked at you, a warm shade of red coated his face.

"This boy is travelling with a demon and he proclaims to be a demon slayer!" Iguro exclaimed.

"I'm sure he has a good reason for doing so." you reply.

You walked closer to the boy and sliced the rope of his hands. He looked at you shocked. While the Hashira's looked at you with disbelief.

"T-thank you." Tanjiro stuttered.

"Your most welcome, I'm Y/n L/n, the flower Pillar," you say.

"Tanjiro Kamado." he replied.

"Why are you travelling with a demon, Tanjiro?" you asked.

"She's my sister and all I have left of my family. Muzan Kibutsuji killed my family and my younger sister Nezuko was the only survivor." Tanjiro replied, his eyes filling with regret.

"My condolences." you say, your eyes softening.

"Thank you for believing me," Tanjiro smiled.

"Of course," you gave him a sweet smile, which caused his face to heat up even more.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sanemi's raspy voice filled the atmosphere.

In his hands, was a large brown box. You looked at Tanjiro, his eyes filled with anger and fear.

"Tanjiro, is your sister in that box?" you question.

"Y-yes..." Tanjiro shakily replied.

You quickly stood up, but at the same time, Sanemi drew his sword.

"Come on out demon." Sanemi grinned like a maniac, as he sliced through the box, muffled screams being heard every time.

"Nezuko!!" Tanjiro screamed.

"Shinazugawa! Stop it!" You added, as he glared at you.

"Its no use it won't come out in the sunlight." Iguro added.

Without second thought, Sanemi started walking into the estate under the shade, but was stopped by the one and only Sabito.

"Stop it Shinazugawa, I know them and his sister never ate a human for two years and I'm sure she still never ate one." Sabito said, as he glared at Sanemi.

"Yes! She still never harmed anyone." Tanjiro added.

Sanemi ignored them and continued walking, until Sabito blocked his way.

"Any one who gets in my way will, be taken down!!" Sanemi exclaimed and without another thought, he raised his sword and aimed for Sabito's face. 

You swore you saw his face got sliced but as you ran to him, you saw his mask was sliced in half and hung from his face. Your face turned slightly red upon seeing his handsome face, accompanied by his lavender eyes, peeking through his broken mask.

You Kanae and Mitsuri went to Sabito, while Giyuu and Tanjiro, was trying to get the box from Sanemi.

"Sabito...Are you Okay?" Kanae asked, examining his face for injuries.

"I'm fine." he replied.

"Sabito, Are you sure?" Mitsuri questioned once more.

"Yes I'm sure." he once more replied.

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