Chapter 7

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The trio meandered slowly through the aisles, taking their time to make sure they got everything they needed.

    Since Michael was the one who cooked, he was in charge of making the grocery list, but often he made one or both of his boyfriends accompany him on the trip. This time, both Luke and Ashton had wanted to go and spend time together. Ashton said they could pick up take out on their way home and have that for dinner since they came from work.

    "Can you grab me that bag of rice on the bottom shelf? The orange one." Michael directed Ashton, turning to look at some of the sauces nearby. Ashton did as asked, getting the giant bag and dumping it in the cart.

    "So I don't understand," Luke shook his head. "I thought the package was definitely going to be delivered, we've never had an issue before."

    Ashton sighed. It was not a fun day, having to deal with the failure being thrown back in his face, all the stupid sympathetic looks, and all the people telling him it wasn't his fault because apparenltly Calum had decided he was upset over not being there when shit went down and told everyone.

    He supposed it only reflected well on him, but faking the emotions was terribly annoying.

    "It was, but fucking...UPS got in the way." Ashton had to be careful not to explode and remember there were people around.

    Luke raised an eyebrow. He was still wearing his work scrubs, and Michael too was in his clothes. After work, the two had waited for Ashton to come out to the car. Michael had decided they were going shopping, so Ashton rinsed off quickly in the bathroom, using the soap and wipes they gave patients to disinfect themselves with before they go to surgery. He'd packed an extra outfit that morning and changed before meeting his boyfriends. That meant Luke was able to hug him, and was happily holding his hand as they meandered through the store.

    "What do you mean, UPS?" They hadn't gotten to talk much since  the drive to the store wasn't far, and talking like this was difficult.

    Ashton leaned in close, halting both of the boys. They gathered around him like they were having a private meeting in the middle of the pasta aisle.

    "I mean, Calum fucking saw him seizing and called a rapid and fucking saved him. The whole unit is pitying me now because that fucking twat told them I was upset."

    "He knew you were upset he didn't die?" Michael whispered, eyes wide.

    "No, no, he thinks I'm upset because I wasn't there. I went on break, giving Doug the chance to...make his way to the final destination," Ashton noticed a person reaching for a box of rigatoni next to him and changed his tone. Michael saw her and straightened up, continuing to look at his list as they waited for her to leave. She gave them all a funny look, but that's nothing they weren't used to. Being gay, espeically in a poly relationship got them some looks. "So they all comforted me because I wasn't there."

    "Fuck, Ash, I'm so sorry," Michael shook his head.

    "My poor baby," Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist, rubbing his nose into the taller mans chest. "I can't believe they did that."

    "And Calum cornered me in the utility room and told me if I 'ever need to talk' or some shit like that, he's here for me." The brunette rolled his eyes and scoffed, hands clenched into fists.

    Luke pulled back, brow furrowed.

    "You seem like you hate this guy a lot,"

    "Lu, he ruined my plans!" Ashton exclaimed, wincing at the glare Michael gave him for being too loud. Luke pulled away, reclaiming his hand, and they started walking to the next aisle. "Sorry. But he did. I hate him and his positive attitude and how he's trying so hard to be my friend. I think..." Ashton took a breath. "I think he should get the next package."

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