chapter thirty two

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"is your boyfriend like a mafia dude or some shit" I whisper to Izzy

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"is your boyfriend like a mafia dude or some shit" I whisper to Izzy

"you can't tell anyone" she whispers back

"You can't tell anyone either" I whisper

"deal let's pinky promise" I say

we tangle our pinky together

"let's see who can do the better British accent" she says with a grin

i grin and say "okay me first" I clear my throat before saying "oy mate where's my tea at"

i finish and burst out laughing "what the fuck" we say both holding our stomachs

"okay okay your turn" I say

"Oy mate there you go" she says

"mine was way better loser" I say

"mine was totally better fuck off" she says

"you fuck off" I say

"I'll fuck you" she says

i laugh and say "your insane we're gonna be great besties"

and that's how I spent my time


i knock on the dorm door I forget my key someone better be in there right now I hear footsteps and Lijah opens the door for me

"hey lav" he says grinning

"hey lij" I say

i walk in me see ace and Eli watching tangled?

"where's Dante?" I ask

"he had to go deal with some business he'll be back soon though" ace says softly smiling i give them a small smile back and say I'm going to my room

how soon is soon

i change into my "I heart milfs" hoodie because it's just perfect and go to text Dante

his contact name is "my favorite hoe<3" it's true
(Dante's texts are in the font shit lavs aren't)

when are you coming back?

Soon love you want me to bring back slurpys? 🫄 what kind of emoji is that-

is that even a question and hurry back

yes ma'am

I'm going to sleep I have to go find Milo first though

"Milo" I whisper

I hear her meow Aw she's laying on one of Dante's hoodies as she should I scoop her up and lay her on the bed with me

Dante didn't come back until almost four in the morning that night

"you know dante I should choke you out" I say pointing my slurpy towards him

"actually never mind your kinky ass would probably like that fucking freak" i mumble the last part

he sighs before saying "I'm seriously sorry lav there's just so much going on it won't happen again seriously this time my love"

he walks over wraps his arms around me I wrap mine around him and put my head in his chest I of course had to ruin this moment by pulling back and playing 'just a cloud away'

Dante raises his eyebrow and says "is this the minion song?"

I grin and say "yes"

"this rainy day is temporary" Dante says grinning

"The contrast is why we got 'em" i continue

Dante twirls me around as we both sing at the top of our lungs Dante starts spinning and we both start laughing

"Spin me woman" Dante grins I grin and spin him

"So you blown a fuse" I say

"Well that happens to us all" Dante continues

i slide over to dante laughing and start to twirl Dante starts twirling with me and we both collapse on top of eachother

"That song is a master piece" I say

"I know right" he says

Dante and Milo and I are watching the little mermaid and Dante just has to ruin this moment by saying some bullshit

"Lav you know I'd do like absolutely anything for you right" he says turning to me

"Yeah so would I you didn't do anything stupid right" I say raising  my eyebrow

"no" he says

i narrow my eyes at him before laying my head back on his chest he softly plays with my hair

it's true I seriously would do anything for Dante like literally anything I'd give that man not only pink starburst but watermelon jolly ranchers that's when you know you love someone he's lucky I've never said or did that for someone

I'm in love with him thats terrifying I know he'd never leave or anything but having the feeling of knowing that you couldn't live without someone is amazing but scary

"What are you thinking about" Dante whispers taking me out my thoughts

I sit up im gonna say this could go amazingly or horribly no in between

Sitting up and staring at him he raises his eyebrow I should just blurt it out and run

"I love you like actually love you like I'd do anything for you I'd give you pink starburst and watermelon jolly ranchers I don't thing I could live without you this is making me sound like a loser and a softy-" I blurt it all out and my eyes widen

Dante stares at me before grinning and saying "I love you lav who couldn't love you your you I love you like a lot I'm glad one of us gangstaed up and said it" I cut his ramble off my smashing my lips onto his it wasn't one of those 'we're about to fuck' kind of kisses it was an 'you mean the world to me' kinda kiss

He means the entire world to me


here's this sorry it took me so long to update ive been yk anyways idk how I feel about this it was either them doing it like this or a way that was like a billion times sadder I don't know If I could handle that 🧍🏽‍♀️

anywho word count 923

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