blind date

917 19 0


Taehyung yelled at him. Trying to wake his best friend.

Jimin - yah , go to hell. Let me sleep for sometime please .

Tae - i will kill you . You forgot what is today . We were supposed to meet half an hour ago , if its not because of your mom i would have been standing there waiting for you.

[ Jimin Opened His Eyes ]

Jimin - aah , you stupid arrange marriage blind date thing.

Tae - exactly .

Jimin - sorry taehyungaaahh . Plwsss 🥺

Tae - that aegyo will not work on me. Get you ass up and get ready. We have to leave in 15 .

[Jimin got up and started to get ready ]

After 15 min in car

Jimin - so who is this guy

Tae - i don't know . All i know is he is a business man  And you have to help me. Please make sure he will not say yes to this marriage.

Jimin - i know . I will do my best . He will not think about you in his dream .

Tae - you're the best.

At Restaurant

Tae - ok i will be waiting for you in next vip room. If anything happens just dial and i will be there.

Jimin - ok

Jimin went inside their reserved vip room table.

No one was there .

[ Jimin - he is late too ]


Hobi - please do it for me. I will give you anything you want please. Just make sure he will cancel this wedding . Please.

Jk - aah hyung . Ok . But you'll do anything . Are you sure?

Hobi - yup just mess this thing really bad so they will cancel. Ok?

Jk - ok .


At restaurant

jk enters in their reserved vip room


as i stepped in i saw a very beautiful man who was looking like an angel. His eyes are so innocent. What am i thinking.


After a minute or two someone enters in room , he is so handsome . His is eyes are big and beautiful And his jaw . What am i thinking.


Jk came and sit in front of jimin .

Jk - i am not interested in your name so cut the crap and come to the main point.
I am not interested in you so go and call off this deal. (Super rudely)

Jimin was taken aback and started laughing .

( Jk in mind - his smile is so sweat to listen. Wait. What )

Jk - what is funny in this.

Jimin - like i am interested in you. I don't fucking care what you think . I dont want this meating either. If not for my parents i will naver sit with a person like you. (Rudely )

Jk - what you mean by person like you do you know who i am. I am... ( Angry tone )


Jimin - woah bro , i don't know you and also i don't want to. So whatever. ( Rudely)

Jk - so we call off this deal . Just tell your parents , we will not work out.

Jimin - i was going to do that , i don't want you advise on that.

Both had their lunch in silence and went back to their places.


I am so excited about upcoming chapters .
All are ready will post slowly 💜

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