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At Taehyung's home

Mr kim - how was your date at lunch .

Tae didn't said anything.

Mrs kim - ( came to living room ) honey i am ready .

Tae - where you going .

Mr kim - WE'RE going out for dinner.

Tae - oh yeah. Let's go.

(Tae went to car)

Mrs kim - why didn't you tell him we will meat MR JUNG for fixing this marriage.

Mr kim - you think he will agree to come.

Simultaneously mr jung's House

Mr jung - everyone come downstair

( Hobi , mrs jung came to living room )

Mes jung - honey i am ready let's go .

Hobi - where are you going .

Mr jung - we're going out for dinner. Where is you little brother kook .

Hobi - we've an emergency at company he left a while ago.

Mr jung - ok then we three.

Hobi - i will get car. Come out soon.

Mrs jung - you didn't tell him we will fix his marriage to his blind date .

Mr jung - you think after that he will join.

At restaurant

Kim family already arrived and set on their vip room. Waiting for jung family .

Tae - let me order food .

Mr kim - wait we have some guest . Wait for them.

Tae - who is it .

Mr kim you'll know.


Mr kim - welcome mr and mrs jung.

Mr jung - did you had ti wait for long. We're sorry for late arrival .

Mrs kim - no no . We've just arrived. Lets sit.

Then looked up to see who is there he was shocked as hell .

As the same time hobi noticed the boy who was sitting in the corner and his eyes widened .

Hobi - tae ?
Tae - hoseok?

Then they looked to their perents with shocked expression?

Tae to mr kim - they are your guests.

Hobi to mr jung - you know them since when.

Mr jung - me and mr kim decided to set you up , that's why we arranged the blind date earlier .

Tae and hoseok become shocked . Then the realised what has happened.

Mr kim - so that was just the formality actually we've desided your marriage next year.

Tae & hobi are still in shock - what !

Mrs jung - yup this is our first official meating as soom to be in-laws .

Mrs kim - i think you should take time and talk outside till we order food. We will call you ehen food will arrive .

Everyone agreed.

Hobi and tae had become Tomato from shyness.

They left from their to balcony .

Hobi - so you tried to Ditch me by sending someone else 🥺🥺

Tae - you did that too , i am not at fault.

Hobi - so now from Tommorow on we will me life partners not boyfriends .

Tae - yeah our marriage is next year not today.

Hobi - oh so can find someone else till that day ?

Tae become angry and pushed hobi to the nearest wall. And said

Tae - you're mine .

Hobi become shy

Then tae leaned in and they had their first kiss.

After sometime they went back in and

Continued their dinner with family and then head back home.


Thats how jikook become indirectly part of each others life

So many turn and twist will come

Wait muchins 💜

Soon their love story will start too

Wait my muchins 💜💜

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