i should be happy for them??

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At jung house

Hobi - jk i am so happy today.

Jk - what happened hyung.

Hobi - oh today's blind date was mr Kim's son.
I tried from faking your date still destiny turned us towards each other.
And when i met him , i fall in love with him . And we decided to date . And then our families had dinner with them just few hr ago and. Now we are basically enganged. We will marry next year.

Jk Was In Utter Shock .

Jk - that is too much drama for a day.

( Jk in mind - why i dont feel good for hyung. I should have been happy that hyung found his soulmate. I shrugged it off)

Jk - what is his name ?

Hobi - kim Taehyung . He is son of the CEO of kim enterprises MR KIM our next project head.

Jk - congratulations hyung you've found your soulmate .

Hobi hugged jk and went to his room.


Jimin - what it is taetae , what is emergency.

Tae - remember in morning , i had that blind date.

Jimin - ya that brat is so rude.

Tae - i am getting married to him next year.

Jimin - what !!

[Taehyung explained jimin the whole situation from morning to till now]

Jimin - so the one i met was his replacement , his little brother JEON JUNGKOOK. AND YOU'RE MARRING JUNG HOSEOK.

Tae - yeah

Jimin - congratulations tae tae finally you've met your soulmate .

Tae - thanku mochi 😍

JIMIN - but he is JEON and hobi hyung is JUNG how are they brother .

Tae - hobi's mom died in car accident and then mr JUNG married kook's mom .
Kook's real father was jeon.

Jimin - ooo


JIMIN - wish me luck i have an interview for my internship in the biggest compney hope i get this job.

TAE - mochi you can come to my dad's company why are you going anywhere else.

Jimin - aww you'll miss me ?

Tae - ofcourse not ! I will tail you around wherever you go. All the best .

Jimin - thanku tae tae. Bye i have to go otherwise I'll be late .


I was here to give my interview in jung enterprises. This is also big company as taetae's dad. If i will get accepted into this company my life will going to be batter.

Jimin set with all the others interns whO applied there.

The person near jimin to jimin

ABC - you know the CEO is very strict person , this interview is going to be hard to crack. How will we pass . Person who are commenting out all are crying.

Jimin - may be they seriously dont know anything that is why they cry. Lets see what happens to us.


Is he that strict . Oh i will need all angles power for acceptance.

PARK JIMIN. They called my name .

I went inside the room . There WERE three people who was on their as interviewer .
My eye go wide when i spotted hoseok hyung . What is he doing here. Then i noticed a person who was on the phone near window - jungkook 😱 his brother.

Don't tell me jung enterprise is theirs ?

HOBI - oo mochi , you're here for interview .

Jimin - aah hyung actually i have to di internship so i thought to apply for thia company because this is best. I didn't knew you're the owner.


It was getting boring they all are dumb . Suddenly i got a call from our investers so i got up and came to side to talk .

I came back to my seat where hobi hyung was talking to next person. I was shocked when i see him . KIM TAEHYUNG ? what is he doing here . He has this big company.

Hobi - yeah you could've called me , why you went for the interview. How can i let you interview.

Jimin - it's not like that .

Hobi - you're ACCEPTED .

Jimin - thank you hyung ( smiling brightly )

Jk saw everything . He got JELOUS bye the way he was taking with hobi. And he also don't know what is happening.

Hobi - kook you don't have any problem with that right if my mochi will join.

Jk - no hyung as you want.

( Jk in mind - my mochi , why this is making me angry . He is hobi hyung's soulmate )

Jimin was the last candidate. So hobi asked

Hobi - mochi let's eat lunch with us.

Jimin - hyung taetae is comming i will have lunch with him, i promised him if i clear the interview , i will treat him.

Hobi - that even batter . We four naver had been together . Lets all four eat together.

Jimin - ok hyung. ( Taetae?? , Who is he ?)

Wow , i am excited for what is next.


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