home invitation 💜

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Jimin and taetae was watching movie .

Jimin - i am mr jeon's secretary .

Tae - what !?

Jimin - i think his secretary left. So i am his replacement.

Tae - you mean KOOKIE's secretary.

Jimin - yes your KOOKIE's secretary.

Tae - that is nice. He is so sweet and loving.

Jimin - excuse me ?

Tae - really we had family dinner last Sunday at KOOKIE's house. He was so sweet and caring for us. He take care of everyone . He is such a cute baby.

Jimin - woah , i think we're talking about two different person. That rude brat is cute baby ?

Tae - laughed. Yes when you get to know him you'll know he is so sweat .

Jimin - keep it to yourself. I dont want to get close to him. Not in this life. That rude mr jung.


Jimin - hey dad how are you

Mr park - oo jiminah i am fine . How is my baby.

Jimin - i am fine too dad.

Mr park - you know next week is your mom's birthday.

Jimin - ofcourse daddy . And i will be there right in time. How can i miss her day 😍😍.

Mr park - this time there will be some guest too. My friends from college and also our company's next buisness partners for a new project , will come to with THeIR family. Aslo mr kim too .

Jimin - oo yeahah i will come with taetae. This is going to be fun .

As soon as the phone got cut.
Jimin told taetae everything .they are excited for next weekend to go to busan.


Mrs parks birthday is coming 😍🥳

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