moving in??

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At lunch break .

Jk - jimin come to my office .

Jimin - yes mr Jeon .

Jk - take a half day .

Jimin - no i won't , why will i.

Jk - because you're moving in with me .

Jimin - no i will not .

Jk - ok then we will live in your house.

Jimin - no

Jk - then you come to my house

Jimin - i Don't want to .

Jk - ok then i will call your mom about you're not moving in .

Jimin - fine .

Jk - let me help you.

Jimin - tae will do . Bye. ( He stormed out frustrated)


Jimin - who di he think he is , any prince . I will kill you .

Jimin went back and packed all his laggage.
Tae helped him shifting his things in jeon mansion .

Jimin - thanks tae.

Tae - wanna die .

Jimin - hehe no .

Tae - ok i will take leave.

Jimin - yo bye


Where will i put my language .

Jk - in my room ofcourse.

Jimin - yeah , where do you come from .

Jk - i was here from starting .

Jimin - no i want different room .

Jk - mom td me to put your laggage in my room .

Jimin - i don't want to live with you ..

Jk - ok then i will call mom.

Jimin - no wait. Ok i will shift there . Mom ka chamcha.


finally he is here.

Its been a month jimin is shifted in jeon mansion . Jk tried to many times but jimin was not ready to talk to him.

They always end up cuddling in bad.
They have Breakfast and dinner together.
They watched some movies .

Jk can see jimin's care for jk in his eyes and action .but why not jimin was not accepting it.

Jimin pov

Jk is not that bad. He cares for me.
Even if i don't tell him he will understand what i want and bring me that thing. And do it for me.
I am addicted to his cuddle . I cant sleel unit i cuddle him . His arms make me feel protected.

Is it love ?

Am i falling in love with this brat .


Its going good 💜💜💜🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

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