first happy moment

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Next day

Jimin woke up . He felt heaviness on his wrist he thought it would be taetae. So he hugged him tightly.

Jimin - aah i missed you . Its been so many days i have hugged you . Last was before going to busan.

Jimin - what happened why ar eyou not replying.

Jimin saw jk looking at him. He become shocked .

Jimin - you ??


i woke up when i felt moveing body beside me. 

Ohh it's my jiminie. He moved a little bit and hugged me tightly.
Then he said something which made my blood boil.

Jimin - aah i missed you . Its been so many days i have hugged you . Last was before going to busan.

Jimin - what happened why are you not replying.

Jk - so you've hugged like this with someone. Who is it ? ( Angry tone )

Jimin - what are you doing in my bed.
( Jimin was about to get up but then jk pulled him back)

Jk - i asked you somthing . Who is it whome you miss hugging like this.

( he is jelous? Jimin found it fun to say jk JELOUS )

Jimin - it's non of your buisness. Now move.

Jk Tightend The Grip.

Jk - park jimin only i have the right to hug you like that.  You're mine.  And i will not share you with anyone.

Jk - whoever it is stay away from him.

Jimin - no i will not. He is my world.

Jk Becomes More Angry

Jk - who is it ? Does he know you are engaged.

Jimin - i told you , its my personal life it's non of your buisness.

Jimin pushed jk and goes towards the washroom.
But jk pinned him to wall .

Jk - i asked you who is it. Tell me .( His eyes are red in anger )

Jimin thought he should end it , if he wants to live.

Jimin - it..... Is ...

Jk - say it damm it 

Jimin - taetae

Then jimin started laughing .
And jk felt really embarassed. He started laughing too. 

Jimin - (while laughing ) pabo  , You are very easy target. JELOUS jk .

Jk - ( was laughing too ) that is not good.

Jk started to pout

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Jk started to pout. 

Jimin - aww do not pout like that . You look cutest.

Jk - aah hyung .

Jimin felt his heart beating fast

Jimin - this is first time you've called me hyung. (Flustered)

Jk - if you love this than i will call you always.

Jimin - aaish what will i do with you.

Jk - keep me .

Jimin - ok let me take a quick shower. And you too get ready we've office.

Jk clings to jimin

Jk - hyung lets bunk today .

Jimin - are you a baby?

Jk - for you 😍

Jimin - we can't. We've to go. Now by .

Jk - let me come with you .

Jimin - jeon jungkook you wanna die.  Stay here.


they both got ready and had breakfast.

Jimin - ok bye i am going.  You go in your own in your car.

Jk - yeah hyung.

Jimin - what !

Jk - don't argue . Sit in car.

Jimin - i don't want to .

Jk - then i will pick you up and will put you in my car.

Jimin - aaish ok ok . As if you will listen to me . Move fast

The headed to their office .


I got butterfly because of their first happy moment

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