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Everybody was having breakfast before farewell.

Mrs park - once you'll will leave this house will become dead.

Jin - we will miss these days too .

Everyone was taking to each other.

Jk - aahm mr & mrs park.

Mrs park - call us mom dad . U are our son too.

Jk - mom dad if it is ok with you all , i will love to jimin to move in with me. I thought he live alone in soul and i have an apartment , so why to live in rent. It is not safe alone in soul.


Mrs park - i was going to say this too .

Mr park - i love this idea. Tae and hobi will help you too , to move.

Jimin - nobody wants my opinion??
I deny this request.

Mrs park - why ?

Jimin - bcoz i want to be independent. I can live by myself. And we're not married yet , so how can we live together . I deny .

Mrs jung - we dont have any objection you both living together before marriage. You'll eventually get married.

Jimin to himself - we will see about that.

Jk Heard that ( it made him furious)

Jimin - mrs kim mom i want to stand on my own .

Mr jung - son we will not force you . You guys deside what you want to do.

Mrs park - jimin please son move in. This will be good. We will rest assured too that you're safe.

Jimin - ok mom i will see once i reach soul. Ok ?

Mrs park - ok 😍


everyone took their cars. Jimin cane in train so he was planing to leave a little late his train is an hour latter.

Jk - you're not coming .

Jimin - i will come by myself.

Jk - we're going in same direction why will you go by yourself . Come with us.

Mrs jung - yeah son .

Mr jung - lets hoop with us .

Jimin - ok mom dad.

Mr and mrs jung sit in front and jk , jimin sit in back .

Hobi , tae , joon and jin left earlier in car.

Suga and y/n is staying in busan for a time being.

IN MR JUNG's car

After an hour jimin fall asleep. On jk's shoulder. And jk also fall asleep on jimin.

Mrs jung - they are so cute let me take a picture.

Mr jung - sent this in group.

At soul

Mr jung - jk jiminie wake up . Me and mom are heading iside you can go to your nest . 🤭🤭

Jk woke up and saw how he and jimin are cuddling on back seat.

Jk - ok dad we will go in a minute.


Jimin woke up from hustle and saw himself cuddling with jk . He was about to get up when jk tightend the grip .

Jimin - ye ....yeaahh wake up. We have to leave.

Jk - 2 minutes please.

Jimin - no get up and leave me.

Jk - i will hold you forever my fiance.

Jimin - kicked jk and got up .

Jk - aah.

Jimin - get up .

Jimin drove them to his apartment .
I will stay here and you go to your apartment.

Jimin left the car and about to open the door when he Heard jk's foot step.

Jimin - why are you following me .

Jk - i am coming in . You don't want to come to my place. I naver said i will not come to yours.

Jimin - aaish . I am too tired to fight .

They went inside apartment .

Jimin - i am so tired , I dont want to fight but this is 1 BHK. How will we both fit here. Please go back.

Jk - no

Jimin - whatever , do what you like.

Jimin was so tired he goes to his bad and slept directly.

Jk saw the apartment and loved it. He came inside room and saw jimin sleeping like a dead person.

He went into the bathroom took shower and changes into his night dress .

Then he came to bad to sleep with jimin. He hugged him and went in dream land.


Good night jikook


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