Chapter 2

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Percy POV

As I saw strolling along the strawberry field I heard someone scream "HELP THERE IS A CRAZY BULL TRYING TO EAT ME" I sighed. The minotaur when will it stay dead? I quickly pulled out riptide and engaged in a fight. It was no surprise who the victor was though. As I was about to bring him in camp a blinding light filled the sky and I could clearly see a trident. Poseidon was claiming him, that means that I have another new brother! "what is your name boy?" Asked Chiron

"James" said my half brother

"All hail James son of the Poseidon the earthshaker, storm-bringer and god of the seas!" Shouted the camp. I knew this was a turning point but I didn't know that it was for the  worse...

(Time skip 3 months)

My. Life. Is. Living. Hell. All my friends have betrayed me except for Clarisse, Annabeth, Nico and Thalia. But Nico spends all his time in the underworld doing things for his dad, Thalia is a hunter of Artemis so she rarely comes here, so all I really had was Clarisse and Annabeth. I know James did this to destroy me. It worked. I don't know why, but he just likes destroying anything in his path to become "supreme overload of this camp" as he put it. All of a sudden a bright flash appeared in front of me. Oh yay another immortal I pissed off. *note my sarcasm*. But as I took a closer look I could clearly see... "Lady Athena" I said respectfully, "Perseus I know that you wish to marry my daughter but first you must prove yourself by doing 3 simple quests, you must defeat Ladon, defeat a Titan in single combat and spend 3 weeks in the mortal world while I make your demigod sent 10x stronger." Oh yeah what a very easy quest. Hahaha I'm so dead.

(Time skip to when he goes on the quest)

As I was fighting Pallas (the Titan of Warcraft married to lady Styx) I realised that he was trying to trap me in a trap I already fell for, he quickly raised his shield and bashed it against my sword arm and jabbed his 7 feet long spear. I quickly ducked as felt riptide in my pocket, brought it out and gave a upwards slash with all my energy I had, Pallas quickly fell as I thought 2 more to go.

(Time skip to the mortal word quest)

I was around 2 weeks 6 days and 23 hours and 45 minutes into my quest I had only 15 minutes left to survive, I had about 70 hellhounds, 50 dracea, 20 telekines and menoetius (Titan of rash decisions and anger) trying to kill me as the 3 weeks mark passed I was teleported to Lady Athena.

(Time skip to fighting Ladon)

As I had finished of 99 of lardons head I asked him "may I have an apples now I don't want to kill you for a simple marriage"

"Yes young demigod you have defeated me so I shall let you get an apple to prove that you defeated me"

(Time skip to him going to propose to Annabeth )

As I was fidgeting with the diamond ring given to me by Lady Athena I went to find Annabeth and as I passed the beach I heard two voices, "your a much better kisser than your idiot brother, James"

"I know Annie, I know"

No, this can't be happening my wise girl is cheating on me?

"Annabeth why" I whispered

They both turned around shock evident on their faces

"Percy how nice to see you" stammered annabeth

"Don't tell me that crap Annabeth I was going to propose!" I screamed as I tossed the ring into the flames

"No, Percy we can still get married" sobbed the backstabber

"Have a good life Annabeth" I said coldly walking out

(Time skip 1 hour)

I left a note under my bed after I packed away my things, but I doubt any one would care because I am just a traitor in their eyes I though as I looked away and we g forward into my new life.

Wow I wrote 703 words amazing right?

Percy Jackson the universal assassinWhere stories live. Discover now