Chapter 3

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Percy POV

As I was walking I stopped in my tracks, as I felt an aura which made the Olympians feel like babies in a cot. I looked behind me, "who are you? And  what do you want from me?" I shouted, "well hello Perseus Achilles Jackson I am chaos the creator of everything and i have a preposition for you, I wish for you to become my personal assassin, I have seen the way that you have been treated and I wish for you to have a better life as my personal assassin and I shall grant you powers and allow you to bring back dead demigods to help you in your assassinations, before you decline and go back to your parents you must know that while you were in the mortal world doing your quest, after you disappeared the monsters went to your living relatives, your mother new born baby and stepfather, to try to bring you to them but you didn't go and they killed them." For the first time I broke, letting lose all my emotions and crying my heart out.

"I accept" I said in a shaky voice

"Hold on Perseus" answered chaos

"Before i become your assassin let me get this straight Lord Chaos it's Percy not Perseus" I told him

"Fine but don't call me Lord chaos it makes me feel old"

"Uhmm aren't you millions of eons old?"

"Stop being mean," he pouted. Huh the creator acting like child, wow this universe is full of surprises.

(Time lapse to percy giving life back to dead demigods)

"Who are the demigods you choose?" asked chaos

"I choose Selina, Charles beckendorf, Zoe nightshade, Luke castellan, Lee fletcher, Ethan Nakamura, Bianca Di Angelo, Micheal, Perseus the first, Achilles, Jason the first and orion."

After I said that, 12 bright flashes appear per before me "Percy, what are you doing here? are you dead to?" ask Luke while Jason (should I call original Jason, Jason and newer Jason sorry excuse for a hero, it's a joke don't take it seriously) ,orion, Perseus( percy is called percy okay?)

"Now it is time for your code names" chaos exclaimed, and Strangely sounded like a 5 year old after opening presents.

Code names (cos I'm too lazy to put the text)-

Selina- spy

Charles- explosion

Zoe- stars

Luke - redemption

Ethan Nakamura- traitor

Percy- omega

Lee - arrow

Micheal- bridge

Orion- madness


Achilles- weakness

Jason- betrayed

Bianca Di Angelo - crushed


: omega 1st in command

Redemption 2nd in command

Traitor head of infiltration

Spy head of spying (duh)

Explosion head of forging weapons and creating stuff

Arrow head of ranged weapon (bow)

Bridge head of medics

Weakness head warrior

Betrayed- 2nd in command of warrior

Stars - 3rd in command

Madness- head of hunting, searching

Crushed - head of infiltration 

Thunder: head of protection (when someone is going to be kidnap and stuff like that)

XD Hopefully I'll remember this stuff lol imagine if I forget. I wrote this in class lol I'm still in school, hopefully I dont get caught lmao word count : 503 words :)

(It still like chaos army and that but they are mostly assassins  but are a part of chaos army kinda Ig)

Percy Jackson the universal assassinWhere stories live. Discover now