Chapter 5

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Ok so you guys remember the chapter I promised well here it is enjoy :)


Code names 

Selina- spy

Charles- explosion

Zoe- stars

Luke - redemption

Ethan Nakamura- traitor

Percy- omega

Lee - arrow

Micheal- bridge

Orion- madness


Achilles- weakness

Jason- betrayed


: omega 1st in command

Redemption 2nd in command

Traitor head of infiltration

Spy head of spying (duh)

Explosion head of forging weapons and creating stuff

Arrow head of ranged weapon (bow)

Bridge head of medics

Weakness head warrior

Betrayed- 2nd in command of warrior

Stars - 3rd in command

Madness- head of hunting, searching

Thunder: head of protection (when someone is going to be kidnap and stuff like that)

Percy POV

"What chaos" I shouted "I will not go back to that goddam place"

(no I still have not gotten over that joke deal with it)

"I know son I know but please a new threat arises and it is your duty to protect the innocent" answered chaos

Now I am pretty sure confused "son" chaos isn't your father, well this goes back 10,000 chaos years ago about 1 earth year.


"May commander omega slayer of many, fear off the wicked make his way to his almighty lord chaos's creator of all, meeting room?" Shouted redemption and we all know that he was just doing that to annoy the hell out of us. "Lord Chaos you wanted to see me?" I asked

"How many times do I have to tell you it's chaos just chaos not Lord Chaos or his majesty chaos just chaos" he screamed

"Ok, ok fine just chaos" I said with a smirk

"Ughhh you are so annoying" he exclaimed

"I do what I gotta do" I said back sassily still The king of sass because I am persassy Jackson nobody can defeat me with sass

"You and your sassy comebacks well before we go off track the main reason I brought you here today is because I wish to adopt you as my son what do you say?" Asked chaos hopefully

"Yes,yes,yes of course I will be your son" I replied joy filled my voice

"Well let's the ritual started shall we?"

"Yes, let's get this started," I replied.

"Bring out your hand Percy, I am just going to make a cut and pour some of my blood into yours"

As I felt a small cut etched upon my skin I counted, one, two, three, four , five , six and at six the pain disappeared and that pain turned into nausea.

"Dad, I don't feel so well" I told him

"It's normal son, but at least now you are my full blooded son after the blood ritual."

*flashback ends*

"Then tell me why do we have to go back to that HELL?" I asked fury clear in my eyes

"Because they are under a major threat, something that they cannot defeat and if they lose, very planet in the universe is going to become as corrupt as them as earth is at the centre of their Milky Way and they could lead a full attack on other planets" chaos replied

"Who is the threat" I asked curiously

"An unidentified deity, Gaia, Tartarus, Kronos, the Titans and all the giants" chaos identified

"Well not really unidentified I bet I know who it is." He whispered and I am sure he didn't mean for me to hear it so I kept quiet.

"Hold on, I am going to teleport you ALL to the Olympian throne room" chaos said

A dark flash illuminated the Olympian throne room, showcasing our arrival. "Who are you and what is your business here" can you guess who said that? Well the "almighty,powerful" drama queen

"Nice to see that you still are a drama queen" I told him

His face turned red with embarrassment "taste my bolt you little piece of scum" and threw his master bolt, I lazily outstretched my hand and grabbed it, looked at it and said "nice throw" then I twirled it around and "SNAP", I had snapped it with two fingers. The Olympians were looking at me in shock, "y-you j-just snapped the m-mast-master boot in half without even trying, how?" Asked Poseidon

"I am not chaos's right hand man and his  son for no reason" I told them as they all paled. They quickly went to bow in front of Lord chaos creator of the universe, my father. (Btw Percy will not be calling Poseidon his dad so when I say that word or any synonyms for it. I mean chaos)

"Well we shall be aiding you in your war with the deity, Gaia, Kronos, Tartarus, the Titans and the giants" explained my father

"Where should you be staying" Zeus asked looking at me with fear

"Camp half hell". I answered

The Olympians just gave me confused looks "oh I mean calm half blood" I amended

"We shall warn Chiron - the activity director and the half bloods/ demigods." Stated the almighty god of theatre (lol Zeus) before disappearing in a flash of thunder

"Drama queen" I muttered under my breath

*Time skip to them reaching camp half hell oops I mean camp half blood*

"Welcome Lord omega" Said Chiron bowing

"Please it's just omega" I said

"Of course omega we all are entirely grateful for your aid in this war with the deity, gaia, Tartarus,kronos, the Titans and the giants" explained Chiron

"You are welcome after all it is out pretty job to protect the innocent, some more innocent others are here" I said looking straight at the jerk, mark but he just seemed oblivious to my glare and kept chatting animatedly to the backstabber, annabeth.

"Well, we shall stay in our cabin" I said after a moment of silence

"Uhmm but you don't have a cabin here" said Chiron

"Do you have a spare plot of land" I asked

"Yes besides the Zeus cabin" answered Chiron

"We'll look again" I said as I snapped my fingers,

The campers all looked the once plot of land was now a mansion for the chaos warriors

"H-how" asked the filthy cheater

"Chaos" I replied snarkily

"If anyone needs us we would be in the chaos cabin" said luke "oh and don't try to come in you would like what would happen to you" he added with a small smirk on his half hiden face.

XDXDXDXD I hope ya'll enjoyed it I spend a lot of time working on it, and I passed the standard that I said I will do which was 750- 1k lesss gooooo

Word count:1043

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