Chapter 4

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Selina- spy

Charles- explosion

Zoe- stars

Luke - redemption

Ethan Nakamura- traitor

Percy- omega

Lee - arrow

Micheal- bridge

Orion- madness


Achilles- weakness

Jason- betrayed


: omega 1st in command

Redemption 2nd in command

Traitor head of infiltration

Spy head of spying (duh)

Explosion head of forging weapons and creating stuff

Arrow head of ranged weapon (bow)

Bridge head of medics

Weakness head warrior

Betrayed- 2nd in command of warrior

Stars - 3rd in command

Madness- head of hunting, searching

Thunder: head of protection (when someone is going to be kidnap and stuff like that)

100,000,000 million chaos years later (100 earth years)

Silena POV

Today we have just finished one of our hardest mission ever you see

*cue flashback* (still in silena POV)

"Percy watch out" I screamed as he ducked under the blades of the guards

"You will forget you ever saw us and never see us again" I shouted charmspeak lacing in my voice

"Great thinking selina" Bianca shouted

"Thanks bia" I shouted back

As we sneakily crept into the throne room to assassinate an evil king, I heard a soft but familiar "shink" we all knew that it was Percy's hidden blade, we saw a familiar shadow behind the king and- CRASH. The king was finally dead and we could now go back to chaos.

*flashback ends* (still in selina POV )

We had to travel to a huge desert planet called liboa and assassinate the ruthless king who was waging war with a peaceful planet, called gebys which had no army, just to expand! But I have just got good news, Perseus (not Percy)  and Achilles were dating I never thought that any of them were gay and now the couples I present to you

Achilles X Perseus Ship name Perilles (don't ask)

Luke x Bianca ship name Luanca (again don't ask)

Me (selina) and Charlie (Charles Beckendorf) ship name serlie (don't ask)

and everyone's OTP (one true paring)

Perzoe percy x Zoe (don't ask it my favourite ship no offence to percabeth shippers but I don't like percabeth don't hate me)

And we were just walking to chaos's throne room I wonder why and he asked Percy to keep calm... Wait could it be? No he wouldn't? I wonder if the rest have found out because I don't want Percy to find out and us ending up dead AGAIN.....

Storey for ending it on a cliff hanger yall but yall will find out what happens next in the next chapter..... word count 437 sorry it's under my usual standards :(

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