Chapter 6

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Code names (cos I'm too lazy to put the text)-

Selina- spy

Charles- explosion

Zoe- stars

Luke - redemption

Ethan Nakamura- traitor

Percy- omega

Lee - arrow

Micheal- bridge

Orion- madness


Achilles- weakness

Jason- betrayed


: omega 1st in command

Redemption 2nd in command

Traitor head of infiltration

Spy head of spying (duh)

Explosion head of forging weapons and creating stuff

Arrow head of ranged weapon (bow)

Bridge head of medics

Weakness head warrior

Betrayed- 2nd in command of warrior

Stars - 3rd in command

Madness- head of hunting, searching

Thunder: head of protection (when someone is going to be kidnap and stuff like that)

Percy POV

"So the demigod talking to annabeth was James ?" Asked Luke

"Yeah, that was him why?" I asked

"That jerk, I will personally kill him" said Achilles while the others were nodding in agreement

"Guys chill, it's gonna be okay?" I said

"How can you say that, they betrayed you and now you are being forced to come back here after they tossed you away. Like trash!" Exclaimed my wonderful girlfriend Zoe (this is perzoe remember lol)

"I have moved on and if it wasn't for their betrayal we wouldn't be here" I replied

"Fair point" said Bianca thoughtfully.

Well let's go to sleep now, it's nearly midnight, wow I didn't realise that we had been talking for nearly 5 whole hours!

As I was in sleeping peacefully in my dreams then, a dark figure was sitting on throne made of a darker version of chaos metal? Then I saw Tartarus, Gaia, Kronos,the Titans and the giants bowing, wait were they acting respectfully towards him? "My Lord we shall prepare the attack to test their forces tomorrow" said Tartarus. Wait Tartarus calling him my Lord? Wow who was this guy who made everyone respect him and strike so much fear that even Tartarus called him "my Lord"? I think I will bring this information to chaos later, because now I really am in need of sleep.... Wait there is going to be an attack? Tomorrow? Ughhh, I can't even sleep now because I need to prepare the campers and inform everybody, but first I'll tell dad about my dream.

Line break

"Hey dad" I said telepathically (all if the assassins have that)

"Hiya son" he replied

"Do you have any idea on who the deity is?" I asked

"Uhhh no?" He answered but it came out more as a question, I narrowed my eyes and said

"Are you sure, because he seems a lot like you?"

"Fine, i knew that I would have to tell someone this someday, but I didn't think that it would come so soon. The deity is and, my evil brother and it all stared many eons ago, he was my older brother and together, we built the universe, but we had many disagreements, for example when the people of a planet were to weak to help themselves, he would destroy it, I was mortified and tried to change his mind but he told me "the weak may suffer, only the strong survive" I knew that I had to do something so I declared war on him, I nearly lost and he had no alias while I had the entire universe supporting me, it's was a close fight and I had to resort to trickery and deceit to win! Now I hope that this was enough" he said

I was speechless, he was chaos's brother and he barely beat him, how are we supposed to win now that he had support!

Line break

"What do you mean there is an attack?" Asked the stuck up brat James.

"He means there is an attack" said Luke in a tone that made it seem that he was speaking to a baby. "When is the attack gonna happen, when it happens send me out there and I will defeat every monster" said James pompously

"Sure if that is what you want I guess" said Ethan

"Wait what" he replied with wide eyes

"You just volunteered to fight the army" he answered

"Uhhh, but I might get injured and cannot fight the deity which I can so obviously defeat" (lol I really want to kill him right now) he stated

"But if you can defeat him than you surely can defeat those pesky monsters right? Or are you to chicken" taunted Luke. Now every head was looking at him expentaly

"Fine, but don't blame me if you lose the war." He grumbled

*time skip to the attack*

As James charged towards the sea of monsters he barely made it 10 meters before....

A sword etched it against his skin. "Ahhhhhhh" he said in agony

"Noooooo james please don't leave" said the one and only backstabber but she could only watch in horror as James dissolved into a sea breeze leaving the world forever (hooray, I hated that guy and I created him!)

*Time skip to the funeral*

"Bring our his body" cried Chiron before stopping in his tracks as insects were feasting upon his body (courtesy of Luke) "Well what a pity" he said not so sympathetically," I suppose that karma is real" he said with a soft smile, now that I realise it nearly everyone except for the slut annabeth was smiling. It seems that they have realised their mistake or gotten tired of his stuck up attitude.

*time skip to the training* (insert intense music here)

Slash, duck, swing, lock, jab, twirl, swing. My fight with Luke was a standstill but I was tipping the scales in my favour when Luke swung his sword to my unprotected ACL, I quickly jumped at him and swung a downwards arc with my sword maelstrom, because every one would recognise me if I used riptide. Maelstrom was a better, sharper and deadlier version of riptide which could even fade immortals if I willed it to! As I knocked out Luke, I looked back at the crowd, they were looking at me with their mouths agape and eyes wide even the immortal campers! Well this was going to be one heck of a day...

I hope ya'll enjoyed this, I wrote this n the same day as the other chapter, but this doesn't mean that I will not write tomorrow, I will still try to at least get a chapter in or at least half a chapter! Word count:1024

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