I glanced around the new area I was put in for one of my new 'tests'; getting a bit overwhelmed by how big and different it was compared to the other rooms I've been in. It was circular in shape-almost reminded me of the coliseums I've read about in the history books placed in the Play Area.
But I'm the only one who's always interested in them...
It almost reminds me of something...
But I can't remember.
"Now, Void...", a man's voice boomed throughout the room; the echo causing me to quickly cover my pointed ears in discomfort.
"The test is about to begin... but before we start, we are going to give you something that might be proven useful to you..."
A door to my left opened, causing be to swerve in its direction and narrow my eyes suspiciously at a figure in all black; to their toes all the way up to their face. Taking a step back before crouching, I bared my fangs and hissed in warning; tail thrashing about behind me.
"Easy Void...", the voice warned out but I ignored it since I'll never trust these people within an ounce of my life. The more time I have been in this place, the more I'm starting to realize that something ominous has been going on; that the adults here are more than what they seem.
And it scares me.
Not for myself, but for the safety of the other children who I've grown close with; who don't share the same opinion as me.
Exspecially Lily.
I didn't let up my glare on the mystery person as he stopped a foot in front of me, not even fazed, before pulling something out from a holding pouch from his outer thigh and presented me an item I have only seen in history books.
A knife.
It was as long as my forearm, maybe a bit bigger, and the color was all black. It almost looked brand new...
Why would I need this?
I could feel my body start to shake as I allowed myself to hesitantly grab the sharp weapon; surprised that it felt as if it weighed nothing. Then the name that belonged to the cold heartless voice that boomed around me left my lips as I asked, "Why would I need this for a test, Mr. Bishop?"
"You'll see soon enough."
Soundwave just stared at the ravenette as her words rung within his audio receptors.
What did she mean by that?
What has this human been through?
"I was constantly forced into fights by the humans in black who's leader only saw me and the others as disposable tools; though they valued me a bit more because of what I can do.", Void continued as she put away her sewing kit, put her sweatshirt back on, and then turned herself around to face the silent TIC.
/Others/, the lithe mech tilted his head in question; noticing how the femme's frame tensed.
"Dead.", she replied softly while focusing her crimson gaze on her lap before looking back up with a cold hard expression while scowling, "Killed by my own hands."
There it is...
That same look Soundwave had seen back in the days before the war on Cybertron. The same facial expression that those of the lower caste system wore when their friends had offlined during a collapsed mining operations and were forced to continue on as if nothing happened or they hadn't just lost loved ones.
On the faces of the gladiators...
On Megatron...
"I didn't want to kill them... but I had no choice.", Void said as her eyes glowed as bright as the fires of Hell before her tone turned into one of defiance, growling "That's why I'm a bit hesitant to help you out in this so called war."
The lithe mech's frame tensed at her words as he watched her calmly stand up with her feet spread a few feet apart and her fists clenched tightly; eyes narrowed and lips formed into a silent snarl.
"You and I, both, know that I have a high chance at escaping right now. Just by the little time I spent in the Decepticons presence, I could already tell that you look down on others that are not Cybertronian; that you guy's think that you're superior than humans. Let me get one thing straight.", Void crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm not like them. Nor will I ever be seen as insignificant or as a weapon you can use whenever you want. Just to be thrown away as if my life was meaningless after you get bored of me or become broken and useless? Why should I go back back to something that I have been fighting against for ten years?"
Soundwave's posture went slack and his optics widen behind his visor at the femme's words; realizing why he keeps comparing her to his master and of the low caste workers of Cybertron.
She knows what it's like.
Void has lived through the very same reason why this whole war started; the same cause that destroyed their planet. Though, some of the Decepticons had lost sight of that reason a long time ago and had chosen a darker path to walk on.
"That's why before I agree to help you,", the ravenette continued, "I want to know everything. Language, history, biology, and the reason why you're fighting this war. Do you plan on conquering this planet? Though, I could care less about that; it could blow up for all I care...", she mumbled that last part bitterly; shocking the TIC once again.
Does she truly despise her own kind that much?
Soundwave didn't have to think much about agreeing to Void's request since he is even more reluctant not to have this organic as an ally. Not only for her unusual abilities, but for the fact she can sympathize with the true Decepticon cause.
Hopefully Megatron will be able to see that as well.
Giving a silent nod of agreement, the faceless mech replied with his usual way of communicating; through recordings.
/Will teach/ you/ everything/

Dark Soul
FanfictionMegatron (Transformers Prime) Fanfic ༒༒༒༒ "Tch! They got what they deserved...", the fair skinned female grumbled with a scowl that quickly turned into a sadistic smirk, "A one way ticke...