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Crimson orbs watched their unexpected prey obliviously walk by them; waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

A hooded figure casually leaned against the brick wall of an alleyway with their arms crossed over their chest. They were wearing a black sweatshirt with black ripped jeans with matching combat boots; their eyes narrowed in concentration and a frown tugging at the corners of their chapped lips.


The figure flinched as their stomach painfully churned and twisted in hunger; causing them to impatiently growl out, "Come on!"


They found their target.

A tall lanky male with shaggy red hair and pale skin could be seen teasingly hovering a brown paper bag above a short boy with dirty blond spiky hair. The one getting teased seemed to be no more than around twelve years of age while the other looked to be around sixteen or seventeen. The two stood in front, of what the figure could tell, a high school building; a few other children roamed around the front talking with one another while others rushed inside as to not be late for class.



Lifting their head a bit to sniff the air in their desired target's direction, the figure could immediately tell what the contents within the brown paper bag held.

A ham and cheese sandwich on white bread.

A bag of BBQ chips.



Was that a dark chocolate bar?

"Mmm!", the crimson hued person hummed in delight while slowly licking their lips as sharp teeth were temporarily revealed.


"Come on, Vince! Give me my lunch back!"

A twelve year old boy with spiky dirty blond hair, pale skin, and red squared glasses tried to obtain his bag of food back by feebly jumping into the air with his hands outstretched; causing the older red haired male to let out a mocking laugh.

"Hehe! Or what, Shorty? You going to cry to your mommy?"

Vince started taunting the poor child even more by throwing the item up in the air and then catching it in his hand while his free appendage was placed on the victim's head to push him down.


The sound of heavy footsteps stomping in the boy's direction caused them to focus their attention to a hooded figure running towards them. Everything happened in slow motions...

A figure, shrouded in black, crouching down before leaping up into the air and snatched the twelve year old's lunch bag out of the bully's grasp. Then landing on both feet before doing a somersault in the process; sprinting away as soon as they stood back up.

"W-what...?", the seventeen year old blinked his green hues in confusion as it took a few minutes for his mind to comprehend the fact that his stolen lunch... was... well...


"What. The. Fuck?!"


"Woah...", a girl of Japanese descent breathlessly whispered as she stared wide eyed at what she just saw in pure awe, "That was totally epic!"


"What, exactly, did I just see?", a black haired boy asked himself as he stared in the direction of where the odd scene took place.


The crimson eyed being heavily panted as they sprinted down the street while clutching her stolen goods close to her chest. They kept running until they did a sharp turn and entered a different alleyway than they were in before. Waiting a few moments to catch their breath, the mystery person peeked from behind the wall to make sure they weren't followed. When they were sure that they were safe, the figure heaved a sigh of relief while raising a hand to pull down their hood.

A head of long black hair, done in a messy single braid, revealed itself; followed by a feminine face with fair skin. The girl looked to be around her early twenties and looked to be fairly average besides her bright crimson eyes with little flecks of purple mixed in and the little stubby horns that grew out of the top of her head; which were the same color as her hair.

"Aw, man! I'm starving!", the woman exclaimed with a closed eyed smile that revealed her shark like teeth before thoughtfully humming, "But first..."

She lifted the hem of her sweatshirt to expose a bit of her toned stomach but what was odd was the odd black chord that was wrapped around it. But then it started moving around and around, unwrapping itself from its position, before a long black devil like tail could be seen. It had a long sharp spearhead tip that was also black but with a crimson sheen to it; almost making it look metallic.

"Much better...", the horned being huffed out as she started to open the paper bag and taking out a wrapped up ham and cheese sandwich. The crimson eyed woman undid the plastic wrap before scarfing down the food like a rabid animal; her tail swaying happily behind her. It's been three days since she arrived at Jasper and hadn't eaten since; saving the last of the money she had to save it for the entry fee for a certain illegal event that is supposed to happen tomorrow night. After her meal, the girl was going to start walking to the area it was supposed to take place at and most likely find a nice little cave to live in in the process.

It's not like she has a home to go to.

Or anyone to accept her or her looks for that matter.

Tail drooping and a frown appearing on her face, the ravenette couldn't help but wonder why she was like this. She doesn't have much fond memories...

All the crimson hued woman knows was waking up in a place she would rather forget.

It was filled with so much pain and suffering; evil, corrupted souls everywhere!

They treated her as a weapon and not sentient living being.

"Tch! They got what they deserved...", the fair skinned female grumbled with a scowl that quickly turned into a sadistic smirk,

"A one way ticket to Hell!"

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