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A part of the wall in front of me suddenly slid open to reveal some type of bars with glowing yellow orbs; feral growls could be heard coming from within it.

Fear filled my heart as I clutched the knife to my chest as my tail drooped and circled around my legs; eyes wide and breathing becoming difficult. I went to turn around and ask that stranger in black what that thing was- but he was gone...

He left me alone!

What do they expect me to do?!

I knew there was something suspicious about this whole place!

The sound of gears turning and of metal grinding against metal caused me to swerve my head towards the scary thing as a large tan paw wobbly stepped out... and then another... until a whole feline body came out-what I now realized was a cage. It's tail seemed a bit longer than the body and had a lighter belly. It would have looked majestic if it weren't so thin looking and the black liquid dripping from its maw, eyes, and ears. Instinctively, I raised my head to check out its scent and instantly recoiled at how foul it smelled.

Was it sick?

The large cat unsteadily prowled forward while sniffing the ground, most likely it couldn't see due to the stuff out of its eyes, but snarled as it's head snapped in my direction; ears pinned against its skull. Now that I got a good look at it, the feline's were a bit dull...

I let out a startled yelp when the animal charged towards me and swiped it's paw-


I cried out in pain as tears pricked the corners of my eyes while falling harshly on my back; the knife in my hand clattering to the floor and sliding a few feet away from me. A burning sensation seared into my chest a my hand grazed over it before raising it to see it covered in...


My... blood....



𝐼𝑡'𝑠 going to KILL ME!

Despite the pain and pressing my hand against my chest to slow the flow of blood, I tried to crawl away on my stomach only to feel a heavy weight land on my back.



My vision became blurry from the unbearable feeling that came from my spine as I screamed bloody murder; a metallic taste formed in the back of my throat. The beast sunk it's claws into me, earning more pained screeches and wails while my small frame thrashed about in an attempt to get free. But it only angered the cat as it lunged towards and implanted it's fangs into me.

Is this it?

Am I really going to die like this?

It's not like I have a family who would miss me...

Not that I can remember anyways...

No one would even know I existed.

But as soon as I felt my body going numb and my consciousness fading into peacefulness, a pair of bright blue eyes filled with pure innocence and a kind smile belonging to blond hair up in pigtails flashed before my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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