"So, you guys never told me why you're on Earth... and were those other bots from before also part of the Decepticons?"
/Autobots/, another recording was used as a response as Soundwave trekked through the canyon slot that once housed the illegal fighting and racing from the night before, /Both factions/ at war/
"War, huh?", Void echoed from atop of the silent mech's shoulder plate; sitting cross crossed with one hand on his neck cables to help keep herself steady; tail whipping about behind her. The two were heading towards the cave that the ravenette had left her bag at and was planning to use as a temporary home.
"It's over there.", the horned woman pointed at a wall with a large rock in front of it; causing the TIC to tilt his helm in confusion. Void only gave a knowing smirk before standing and then leaping off of Soundwave's shoulder. The lithe metal titan watched in silence as the odd human easily, and gracefully, land on her two peds onto the rocky ground with a soft THUD!
Without acknowledging the navy blue and purple mech, Void sprinted towards to the side of the boulder, placed both hands against it, and then pushed. It seems as if the tailed being is full of surprises as the stone started to move to reveal a decent small cave; big enough for Soundwave to fit in if he crouched.
With red dusting her cheeks as she rubbed her neck awkwardly, the ravenette asked "Am I allowed to at least dress my wounds, eat, and sew some of the rips in my sweatshirt? Don't want to appear indecent in front of a whole ship of aliens."
Smirking in amusement from under his visor, the TIC gave a simple nod before silently ordering Laserbeak to scout the area for any unwanted company; who gave a chirp of understanding as he disconnected from his master's chassis. The metal aviary flew around the mech's helm for a few seconds before heading off in a series of whistles.
Show off.
"What was that?"
Looking down, Soundwave saw that Void was staring at where Laserbeak was with optics wide and twinkling in awe and wonder; tail bent into a question mark shape and helm tilted in curiosity.
/Designation: Laserbeak/ Minicon/
"Interesting...", the femme hummed out before turning around and heading into the cave. Going behind a smaller boulder located at the center, the horned ravenette received her bag, opened the top, and then started to take out rolls of medical supplies and ointments. Kneeling with her back facing the purple mech, the fair skinned woman took off her ripped black hoody, revealing a dirtied whitish cloth wrapped around her torso with various purplish blotches decorating it.
Void paid no mind to Soundwave as she only focused on unwrapping the dirty bandage until it was completely off. It was then that the silent TIC took notice of the numerous scars that covered her body; all in different shapes and sizes.
Some he noted resembled that of claws of large animals...
Others of weapons...
But most of them were burns.
Did she get all of these from fighting?
Using her tail to grab a water bottle from her pack, grabbing it, opening it, and then pouring some of the cold liquid all over her body to clean her wounds. She bared her fanged as she hissed in pain while her open cuts stung on contact but continued what she was doing; all while skillfully ignoring the invisible eyes intently watching her from behind his visor.
After cleaning her injuries, Void then took the cap off of the antibiotic ointment and lathered it on them; all while seeing if any major ones would need to be stitched or not.
Thankfully, none didn't.
Not bothering to bandage her lacerations, the crimson hued ravenette grabbed her bag via her tail and placed it in front of her; pulling out a roll of white gauze. She, then, started the arduous process of wrapping the fabric securely around her chest in order to prevent her breasts from bouncing when she moves and to protect her torso from her tail.
Every time Void hides the appendage underneath her clothes, she has a risk of accidentally cutting herself from the sharp tip.
The horned female's thoughts wandered back to what Soundwave had told her earlier:
That the Decepticons were fighting a war against the Autobots.
She knows what war was and that there is always a reason behind it; something that she never had when she fought in the illegal fights besides taking her anger and hatred out on humans and just for survival. Void is aware that it was wrong to do so and that she was human herself...
But humanity never thought of her or them as one of their own.
So, what was the reason why these metal aliens were fighting?
Finally finished with wrapping her chest and putting the medical equipment away, the fair skinned woman took out a small sewing kit from the side pocket of her bag before grabbing her sweatshirt and starting to closing the holes.
'Then there is this Megatron figure...'
This was clearly the leading figure of the Decepticons but...
Where was he?
Is Megatron aware of having an organic on his ship?
By how Starscream behaved around Void, she could tell that these titans thought lowly of humans and most likely saw them as bugs to be squished.
She always despised that word.
Makes her rethink about her decision...
Why help out a group of giant alien robots in a war when they only see her as a tool?
A weapon.
Why go back to the one thing that she has been fighting to be free of?
Despite them deserving such luxury more than her...
Heaving out a frustrated huff that blew her bangs upwards, Void glanced over her shoulder with narrowed calculating crimson/ violet eyes towards the, still, silent mech behind her.
Soundwave had watched Void with such an intensity, he was surprised she hadn't combusted into flames yet. The TIC couldn't help but be interested in how the small organic skillfully patched her injuries up and then fixing her outer armor- or clothes as the human's call the fabrics they wear over their squishy frames.
The femme seems to know what's she doing and must have done this plenty of times to be able to sew the clothing back together without paying much attention. The ravenette may have looked focused, but it wasn't directed at her task; seeming to be lost in thought.
Or planning something...
Soundwave tensed when he saw Void slightly turn her helm to look at him over her shoulder plates with a look that he has seen plenty of times on his master's faceplate. Her unique optics glowed in the shadows of the cave with a hidden emotion that was hard to figure out; causing the lithe mech to be on guard and ready.
For what?
He has yet to figure out.
Void turned her attention back to her sewing but started to speak with a calm casual tone that had a hint of amusement mixed in.
"You know...", she paused for a moment to cut a thread of string with her fangs, "For ten years, all I've ever done was fight. But in the beginning of that time, I didn't have a choice. It was either that... or die.
Kill... or be killed."

Dark Soul
FanficMegatron (Transformers Prime) Fanfic ༒༒༒༒ "Tch! They got what they deserved...", the fair skinned female grumbled with a scowl that quickly turned into a sadistic smirk, "A one way ticke...