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"Is that...?"

"No way!"

"What are they doing here?"




A pair of black combat boots treks along the sandy ground as crimson/purple eyes glare straight ahead; ignoring the many shocked and fearful people around her. The hooded ravenette knew she was infamous among the illegal fights that she goes to, but she didn't think she was this popular.

The rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins as her blood pumps with sadistic anticipation upon seeing her opponent bruised and beaten by her own hands...

She just loves the feeling!

Funny despite how her life before this was nothing but bloodshed.

'But I didn't have a choice in that...', a frown tugged at the fair skinned woman's lips as memories of being forced to fight rabid beasts to other humans flashed within her mind.

A pair of bright blue eyes, golden blond hair, and a brilliant smile...

The hooded figure growled out in frustration as she shook her head to rid herself of those horrid reminders of her past. Heaving out a calming sigh, the horned female finally made it to what she has been looking for:

Placed in a cave like opening within the canyon slot, were two long brown wooden tables with numerous of heavy duty safe boxes placed at each one. Behind that were four people who were in charge of handling bets and for entry fee money; one familiar face in particular caused the sharp toothed female to snicker. He had shaggy greasy brown hair, yellowish skin, blood shot hazel eyes with bags underneath them, and yellowed teeth. The brunette male was wearing a white shirt that was far too big for his skinny lanky frame, faded stained blue jeans, and taped up white sneakers.

"Well, if it isn't Jerry~"

Skin turning pale and body trembling in fear as his hazel hues slowly raised up to meet the fiery gaze of the crimson eyed ravenette; whose orbs were twinkling with malicious mirth.

Jerry began to stutter uncontrollably, "V-V-Void..."

If her tail were free from its confinement within her shirt, it would have twitched in amusement on how easy it was to scare the shit out of this man by just her presence alone. A toothy smirk could be seen from under the shadow of Void's hood, causing Jerry's knees to shake in terror, before the ravenette reached into her pants pocket and slapped the needed amount of cash on the table in front of the sickly looking male "You of all people know why I'm here, so I don't need to say much. What's the rules for this match tonight?"

Quickly taking the money and putting it in the correct safe, Jerry explained "Any weapon can be brought in besides guns. You fight the person who wins their previous fight until there is only two left. In order to continue on to next round, you must render your opponent unconscious or physically unable to continue fighting. Winner wins five thousand dollars. It starts in fifteen minutes. No killing."

"Aw! That's no fun.", Void pouted as her bottom lip jutted out; causing the hazel orbed brunette to whisper shout, "I-I'm serious, Void! It's enough that the cops are trying to shut down our street racing operations but if they find out that they have illegal fighting in the mix-"

"Alright, alright! I get the point! Sheesh... can't take a joke..."

"It's not a joke when I know that you tend to not show mercy in your matches."

"I'll try my hardest not to cause any casualties then... though I make no promises."

"Tch! Whatever!", Jerry grumbled out with a roll of his eyes, "One of these days, you'll bite off more than you can chew! And I'll be the one to say 'I told you so!'"

Void was about to growl out an insult when the sound of a revving engine cut her off. Curious, the crimson eyed ravenette turned her head to see two out of place vehicles carelessly parked in the middle of the slot canyon entrance way.

A blue and pink motorcycle.

A pretty bright red Dodge Challenger with bull horns at the end of it's hood.

"Well, hello there~"


Arcee and Cliffjumper watched as a hooded figure, who was wearing nothing but all black, approach them with a curious glint in the red optics-er- eyes and a lazy smirk on their lips. The two bots stiffened at the dominating, yet dangerous, presence the human gave off.

:Arcee...:, the mech whispered out through there comm link.

:I know.:, the two wheeler reassured, :There's something off about them.:

Void stalked around the red Dodge Challenger like a predator checking out its prey, musing "I alway liked the color red. It always reminded be of blood.", raising her hand to trace a black claw tipped finger across the car as she continued, "You seem a bit too pretty, though... but I'm sure a few claw marks could fix that up."

There was a tense suffocating silence before it was broken by the crimson eyed woman's cackling, "Just kidding! I'll be giving my few share of scratches in the ring... which I better start heading out before I'm late. Don't want to disappoint my fans.", with that said the ravenette turned heel and left the two under cover Autobots.

Once they were sure the intimidating figure left, Arcee started :That was...:

:Intense!:, Cliffjumper finished her sentence, :At least she has a sense of style.:

:Oh, yeah!:, the femme next to him retorted sarcastically, :That was before she wanted to scratch you up because she thought you looked too pretty!:

:Aw, Cee! You're jealous!:

:In your dreams...:

:Will you two knock it off and go follow her?:, Ratchet exclaimed over the comm link, :Believe it or not, the energy signal is coming from her!:

:Really?:, Cliffjumper asked in disbelief while Arcee mumbled, :Knew there was something off about her.:

:Besides thinking that I'm more prettier than you?:

The blue and pink two wheeler was silent for a moment before venting out, :Let's just go...:, as she activated her holoform and driving after their target.

The red colored mech couldn't help but snicker at his close friend's response as he shortly followed after her.

Unaware of the watching gaze of a certain gray, black, and purple aviary belonging to a certain silent Decepticon.


Hello, everyone!

I just want to explain something real quick! For those of you who don't what a canyon slot is, it something like this:

A slot canyon is a long, narrow channel or drainageway with sheer rock walls that are typically eroded into either sandstone or other sedimentary rock

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A slot canyon is a long, narrow channel or drainageway with sheer rock walls that are typically eroded into either sandstone or other sedimentary rock.

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