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As soon as they've received the distress signal from Cliffjumper, the Autobot's had rushed to his location via groundbridge. But when they arrived, the scene in front of them only caused a feeling of dread to fill their Sparks for the well-being of their comrade; exspecially for his partner, Arcee. The Energon mine was now unusable and reduced to rubble; scorched marks still littered the ground while thick smoke still infected the clear twilight skies in darkness; polluting the purity of the twinkling waking stars above.

The five remaining Autobot's transformed into their bipedal modes as they searched desperately for any sign that their friend might've escaped from their enemies cruel clutches; but, alas, hope was not with them during this tragic day.

"An untapped Energon deposite.", Optimus noted with narrowed optics as Bulkhead added, "What's left of it."

"The first Decepticon activity in three years...", Ratchet gravely grumbled, "It's a bit of a coincidence that this happened a few days after learning about Void."

"We are uncertain that they ever truly left, old friend.", Prime reminded his medic, "Though, I believe you may be on to something concerning the human. But if the Decepticons are scouting for Energon, they may be preparing for his return."

The group searched the area for any clues until the blue two wheeler let out a despaired gasped as she knelt down to gingerly pick up a single horn belonging to her dear friend.

"No...", Arcee croaked out as she brought the item closer to her chassis as a look of deep sorrow and anguish decorated her faceplate before showing it to the orange and white mech; who wore a similar expression as the femme.

"Ratchet, can you track his position?", the leader's voice urgently asked said bot before Ratchet raised his arms; revealing a screen with Cliffjumper's stats.

"Cliffjumper's life signal...

just went offline."


"We can not allow our anger over the loss of Cliffjumper to impair our judgment.", Optimus solemnly preached as the Autobots mournfully stood over a group of rocks; a makeshift tomb for their fallen comrade and friend. They had arrived back at their base only an hour ago to prepare the memorial for the bubbly, joke loving mech with heavy shoulder plates. The grave was placed on top of the fake rock formation; overlooking the horizon.

"As of today,", Prime started to declare, "only, we, five Autobots remain on this Earth. We owe it to ourselves, to the memory of Cybertron, to any Autobot's in any galaxy seeking safe harbor... to human kind."

Arcee trudged towards the pile of rocks near the edge, kneeled down, and gently placed the only remainder of her partner- her close friend- in front of it before standing back up; her expression is one of sorrow, anger, and bitterness.

The blue and red mech continued his speech, "We owe it to our fallen comrade... to survive.", he looked at the grieving femme with sympathy, "Arcee-", but she quickly cut him off, "If Cliff's gone, then standing around here sulking won't bring him back.", the blue and pink bot started to walk away before looking over her shoulder plates, "So unless anyone minds, I think I'll go back to protecting human kind."

The group watched as Arcee transformed and drove off in silence before it was broken by Ratchet; who looked up at his old friend with sad questioning optics, "Optimus, helping humans will only result in more tragedy. Why protect a species who consists of monstrous beings like Void? Who thrive on other's suffering and pain?"

"You opinion is noted.", Prime stated before advising, "Though I once remember a human saying: 'No one is born a monster, but made one by the horrible experiences they had to endure.'"

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