How Cold Have I Become | Chapter 13

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I blinked and blinked. I starred at the ceiling. Juliet. The girl I once loved is going to jail with murder.

She AND Camie could've died. I could have lost Camie for good. I rolled over and checked the time. It was noon. I have to go take that DNA test at 3 then wait an hour till they got the results back.

I rolled over and pulled Alice closer to me. "Mmmm andy." She said pulling my arms tighter around her. "What time is it?" She asked with her sleepy voice. "It's noon." She shot up. "Camie! What's going on. And your guys tour?" She said spouting words. It didn't even make sense.

"Camie. I have to get a DNA test done at 3 to prove she's mine and the tour is postponed." I said rubbing my face. "Awe. I know how you don't like cancelling or postponing tours babe." She said giving me a kiss.

I nodded. "I better get up if I want to get there on time." I said kissing Alice then getting up. "I should get up to. I'll come with you. I'll just leave Alex in charge." I kissed her again. "Thank you."

She smiled. "Don't worry about it. I love Camie just as much as you," she said slipping clothes on. We walked out and she walked Into Alex's room. I could here her telling her to keep he house clean and if there leaving to lock the door and that there's a spare key under the mat.

I was at the door waiting. "Let's go." She said slipping on shoes and holding my hand.

We drove to the place and traffic was terrible again, it took us 2 hours. So when we got there they let me just do the testing then. I gave my blood and everything and me and Alice were waiting for the results. "I don't even know why I'm nervous." I told Alice.

She nodded. "Cause she's mine. She's my baby and that's not changing," I said again kissing her, but there was still that hint of anxiety. But what if she's not? I know that's crazy. Juliet would never lie to me about something like that.

"Andrew Biersack" a doctor called. Me and Alice stood up and followed him. There was also an officer on the room. We took a seat and waiting for the news. "So they results came back in. We also got a confession out of Juliet and well. You not the father Andrew."

My throat became dry and I lost my senses. I could feel Alice's hand on my arm and holding my hand tightly. "Andrew?" I looked up. "How? What? She told me she was mine! I've been paying child support! Can't I just keep her?" I asked getting fumed.

"Were sorry but no. And we also have Juliet confessing to that her father was killed and the lie detector test was positive. She told the truth."

I couldn't believe this! I'm losing my daughter. There's nothing I can do about it. "Well can I have a moment with Carmella?" I asked the officer nodded. He opened the door and Camie came running up to me.

"Daddy? I'm scared." That just killed me. My daughter. I can't protect her or anything. She'll grow up without a father. "Baby. I know, it's gonna be okay though. Mommy will be out soon and you'll get to see her soon. Then maybe you can visit me. But your going with these guys okay? Youll get to see other kids and make friends."

I said trying to not cry or scare her anymore. "Promise?" She said holding her pinky out. I smiled. I wrapped my finger with hers. "Promise." She kissed me. "I love you daddy." I smiled. "I love you more." She giggled. "Not possible." She said hugging me. Then she hugged Alice and said she loved her too. "Okay cameo well see you later." I said as the officer took her away.

As soon as Camie was out of my vision I broke down in tears and cried into Alice's shoulder. I just lost my daughter, I might not even see her again, not until she's 18 and then she might not even want to look at my face.

"C'mon Andy. Let's go home." I shook my head. "I'm going to talk to Juliet." I said wiping my eyes and walking up to the officer. "Can I speak to Juliet." He nodded and led us down some hallways and to her cell. It was a temporary cell.

"Andy! Can you bail me out? When they release the a out. It'll be?" She asked begging. I smeared at her. "HOW COME YOU LIED ABOTH CAMIE BEING MINE" I said angrily. "What? She's yours." I shook my head. "The cops said you told them he died."

"Ii...I'm...fine. I lied." I was taken aback. "After I cheated on you, well it wasn't the first time. He got me pregnant. And well died a month after that. I kept that quiet, but I cheated agin and you dumped me. I couldn't pay or raise Carmella alone. You had money and well I used you for it."

I banged my hands on the cell bars. "What! Hive lied to me. I've paid support for as long as I could. Did you even use the money for things Camie needed?! Or did you just spend it on your stupid clothes and boyfriends." Juliet smiled. "I'll guess you'll never know now."

"Who the fuck are you?" I said swearing at her. I felt Alice's arm on me. "C'mon, she's not worth it." I nodded and we headed back home.

"I don't know what to even think. Camie is mine, she will always be. I don't even know what to tell the guys. And the tour." I sighed. Alice sat next to me. "Just tell them the truth, and as for tour. I think it be good. It relieves stress for you and can keep your mind off things."

I nodded and gave her a kiss. "Alex and them are staying at Damon's tonight. So tomorrow I think you should tell everyone, and talk about having the tour up again." She said kissing me. I pulled her close and placed a hand on her belly. "I love you both."

A/N now you know why Juliet was always money hungry. She was using Andy for his money and Camie was the bait. So I'm kinda sad about Camie leaving. Andy and Alice really loved her, now she's gone. **i don't know if this would be considered spoiler** but that's the last time we see Camie.

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