The Meeting Pt. 2

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The Salamander army stopped in their tracks when they saw me defending the leaders that were behind me. I drew my sword and pointed it at the red fairies gathered in formation.

U/N: I suggest you all turn around and leave. And I'm not asking.

Amongst the group, one floated down and made his presence known.

??: You must got some balls to betray your own kind kid. Tell you what, if you can survive my attacks for 30 seconds, we can talk.

U/N: Perfectly fine with me.

I activated my wings and flew up to meet him as he pulled out his sword. While I did that, I noticed two figures joining the group on the floor. One was a Spriggan and the other was another Sylph. I paid no current attention to them as I was meant to focus on my target. On my end I had an advantage as I was facing away from the sun, however the commander of the group could use that to blind me. As predicted he did just that but I moved my head out of the way and blocked the oncoming attack from his red sword. This shocked him as he thought something would have happened. I parried his attack and used my sword and made some attacks of my own. The commander seemed a bit scared as he tried to run away only for me to catch up to him in no time and delt more damage to finish him off. He was pathetic, he tried to rely on his sword which I assumed had some sort magical property to combat my skills. When I killed him, the only thing that was left was a "remain light" as what they are called. I grabbed it and returned to the group below.

U/N: Here, one dead commander.

Kasumi and there other were shocked and wide eyed on how I did that.

??: How were you able to do that?

The Cat Sith leader said

??: His sword is supposed to phase through others if it is attempted to be blocked.

U/N: All I can say is that he isn't the only one with an OP weapon. Ill be over there if you need me

They revived the general whose name was Eugene and he walked over to me.

Eugene: For being one of us, you one hell of a fighter. I never knew there was someone like you in our ranks.

U/N: Well I'm very well known for being full of surprises. Does this mean you'll retreat.

He considers it for a moment.

Eugene: Well with your skills, you just might be a one man army. Alright, we'll fall back for now. I want a rematch with you though at some point in the future.

I smirked.

U/N: Your on.

We gave each other a fist pump and the army of Salamanders left. During our chat, the newly arrived Sylph and Spriggan explained the situation to the leaders. I seemed to get back to them as the were finishing their story.

Sylph Leader: I see. I could tell there was something off about Sigurd's attitude recently. He seemed irritated.

??: Irritated about what?

Sylph Leader: My guess is that he was not happy about they things were. And in terms of power, we were falling behind the Salamanders. To a man like Sigurd, power is very important to the point where he craves it.

??: Okay, but why would he turn to a spy for the Salamanders?

Sylph: Leader: I don't think you've heard about the new 5.0 update set to be released soon. There putting in a kind of reincarnation system.

??: No way.

Sylph Leader: I'm sure Mortimer made him a offer that he couldn't refuse. 'Bring us the head of your leader, and we'll reincarnate you into a salamander.'

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