Death Gun

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After finally reaching Kiritos and Sinon's positions, I looked between the two of them with an unhappy look.

U/N: I said don't trust anybody Kirito.

Kirito: I know what you said. But I don't see how Sinon could have been Death Gun. Besides, with that recent encounter, I don't think Sinon is Death Gun now.

I got right in front of them.

U/N: Yeah?! Well, someone died because of that!

Sinon: I'm sorry. I don't know how he managed to dodge a bullet from my sniper at the range I was at.

I sighed.

U/N: No. It's not your fault. Sinon. You want to know the reason why I'm looking for this Death Gun person, why I asked the names of the players you didn't recognize? It's because that player kills others. And I mean kills them by heart failure. I don't know how but it just works. There were already two cases of players who were logged into GGO and died by a gunshot to the chest and IRL died of heart failure. I need to stop him. Did the two of you see where he went?

Sinon: I recently scanned the area with the satellite, and we've found nothing.

Kirito: He could've jumped in the river. It may not be possible with gear on so when I did it, I took everything off.

Sinon: True. He may have gone upstream towards the ruined city. Would be a perfect place for a sniper. Especially with the one he's using.

U/N: OK. It's settled then. I'm going after Death Gun. You two, stay out of this. It's way too dangerous.

I started walking towards the direction of the city only stopping because I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see both Sinon and Kirito.

Kirito: I'm going with you.

Sinon: Me too.

I looked at Sinon.

U/N: While I appreciate the help of one of my friends, I can't trust a stranger in a game where you could just pull the trigger anytime you want. Besides, one shot from this guy and your dead for real.

Sinon: Regardless, you're still going to need some help. If he can dodge a bullet from my sniper at the range we were at, then this situation is serious.

I kept looking between them, speechless. I sighed, defeated.

U/N: Alright fine. But we need to hurry up if we are going to get him before he emerges from the river.

With that said I drew my photon sword and spun around to see bullet prediction lines heading our way. When the guy started to open fire, I deflected some of the bullets that were going to hit us while others flew past us.

U/N: We should take care of this guy. Kirito. You and I will block the bullets so that Sinon can find an opening. Got it?

I said after the guy started to reload his gun. I turned around to them and they both nodded. Both me and Kirito took our stances and the player resumed firing at us only to have his bullets deflected again by us being in sync. When Sinon had an opening, she shot at him, separating his upper and lower half of his avatar which resulted in him being eliminated. With that out of the way, we continued on towards the ruined city. I kept looking at the river along the way just in case I saw Death Gun getting out.


Nearing the city, we took a minute to catch our breaths.

Sinon: It seems like he isn't here. you think he got out of the river on the way here.

U/N: Great work detective Sinon. But no, I was keeping an eye the river the whole way here. I would've seen him.

Kirito: Right. And the river ends here making it a dead end.

U/N: Yeah. Means he's probably already in the city.

I clap my hands together.

U/N: Alright. New plan. The next scan is almost upon us. When we find him, all of us are going to rush him before he has the opportunity to kill anyone else.

Sinon: I like that plan. Although, there is one problem. We still don't know the name of this player. It's not "Death Gun" that's for sure.

U/N: Right. Ok, let's go off of what we do know. Pale Ryder clearly wasn't him so that leaves us with two other names. Jushi X, and Sterben.

Kirito: So, if they are both in the city, we can't afford to choose the wrong one.

Sinon: Wait. I just thought of something. The "Shi" in Jushi means death in Japanese. And the X could mean the cross. Like making the sign of the cross you know. Is it too obvious?

Kirito: Hmm. Maybe not. Aren't avatar names supposed to be simple and obvious?

I stayed silent now wondering why I named myself U/N. I wonder why anyone would've come up with a name like mine.

Kirito: Like my name is another variation of my real name. Yours?

Sinon: Same. U/N?

U/N: I don't know. I think someone else came up with the name I chose and it kind of stuck with this story.

Kirito: The What?

U/N: Never mind. Listen, if both Sterben and Jushi X are here then we'll go after Jushi first. And if I get paralyzed, don't panic. Set up somewhere and wait for him to come and kill me off. Thats when you take the shot Sinon.

Kirito: Wait hold on. Why does it have to be you every time. You're always trying to sacrifice yourself. Why can't it be me.

U/N: Cause the readers would be pissed if I wasn't the one to do everything. Lazy story writing if you ask me.

*Somewhere in the Wattpadverse*

Author: Mother Fuc-

*Back in GGO*

Sinon: But are you worried I'll shoot you too.

U/N: I'm not in it to win it for the BoB. As long as Death Gun dies first before me, I don't care if I win or not.

I started walking up the stairs and waited at the top. Soon after both Kirito and Sinon came up.

U/N: Ready?

They both nodded as we made our way deeper into the city, hoping for the best. After taking cover behind a car, it was time for the next scan wave. Sinon pulled out the device and turned it on, revealing the majority of the area surrounding us.

Sinon: Kirito, check the south area, U/N, help me with the north.

The three of us started to tap on the player dots to reveal the names of them. Turns out, the only person here out of the two unknown player names is Jushi X.

Kirito: I guess that's Death Gun then. And he's their next target.

Kirito says pointing to another player that's heading to Jushi X.

U/N: Ok, Sinon. I want you to set up in that stadium over there. Kirito and I will go and take out Death Gun.

Sinon: Wait. I want to go with you.

Kirito: It will be fine. U/N and I can fight way better knowing that you are watching us. Don't worry we'll be quick.

We make our way to the stadium and split off, Sinon went to set up her sniper position while Kirito and I headed for Death Gun.

Let's just hope nothing goes wrong...


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter everyone!

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