Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:
Kyle's POV
I awaken from my slumber. A flash of what happened last night runs through my mind. How did that dream even happen and how'd I even get hard!? This is so stupid.
I get out of my bed and head downstairs for breakfast.
"Bubbie I made pancakes for breakfast, but you're gonna be late for school so just take some for the way ok bubbie."
"Yeah, ok mom," I respond to her politely
I reach for some pancakes and run off to the bus stop, that's where I greet Stan, Cartman, and Kenny every day before school.
"Oh look the filthy weak Jew came."
"Shut up Cartman, Kyle's plenty strong." Stan snaps back at Cartman.
"Oh look Kahl, your boyfriend is defending you hehe." Stan started to blush and stopped talking immediately afterwards. "Ha, that'll teach ya you stupid cunt."
"Shut up fatass he's not a cunt, you're the only cunt I see here," I yell trying to defend my SBF.
"Hehe I don't think you wanna mess with me, it's just a warning Joo boy." A smirk grows across Cartman's face while he looks down at me.
I grit my teeth and groan. " Stupid bitch."
"What did you say to me?" Cartman stares me straight in the eyes and gives me a gruesome look. He pulls back his fist about to throw a punch at me. In a quick response, I close my eyes and cover my face with my arms. Suddenly the sound of a large vehicle approaches the boys.
"You're lucky the bus came." Cartman snarks at me while heading onto the bus sitting next to Butters. I follow behind sitting next to Stan.
"God I just wanna kill that fucking idiot," I whisper under my breath.
"Kyle everyone wants to kill Cartman." Stan chuckles.
"Yeah I know, but there's something about that idiot I just can't stand...."
Biology Class
"Whether you like it or not, we're doing a partner project.... I'll be assigning you to a partner and a specific research topic, and no fucking around. You hear me dipshits?" Mr. Huejanus yells at us.
"Okay, Mr. Huejanus." The class responds.
"Ok first partners are Kyle and Eric."
My mind goes blank and I can't hear anything. I slowly tilted my head towards the fatass seeing him grinning at me. My eyes grow wide and I start to heat up... I'm scared.
Class ends making it time to go home, but I just sat there in the classroom, in silence keeping my thoughts to myself. I don't wanna work with that fatass, he's an asshole and he doesn't get his work done!
I feel a tap on my shoulder waking me up from my venting process.
"What's ya doing Jew?" I hear a familiar voice behind me and I turn around. It was Cartman. My body froze, I couldn't feel my face. Seeing his stupid face reminded me of the sickening dream I had.
"Hey answer me you fuck!"
"Oh yes yes sorry... I'm just sitting here, that's what I'm doing." I respond in terror.
"Ok whatever, we're going to my house."
"Wait why?"
"Are you retarded or something Jew? We just got assigned an assignment so we're going to work on it."
"Wait does this mean that you're gonna help do the project?" I ask with a sense of hope in my voice.
"Did I ever say I was gonna help you?" He snarks back laughing.
"Ok, ok chill." A frown forms on my face, what a fucking jackass.
The chubby boy grabs my arm and pulls me to the exit of the school.
"Let's go ginger." He looks at me straight in the eyes. I nod in response and we exit the school to head to Cartman's house. The walk was long and awkward. No one was talking, we weren't even looking at each other.
The silence suddenly breaks when we enter his house.
"Hey, Jew you gonna explain?" Cartman looks at me.
"Explain what fatass?" I call back.
The tall chubby boy pulls out his phone and enters his gallery.
"Look." He says annoyed.
My heart stops beating and it becomes harder to breathe. To my surprise, it was a video of me jerking off while moaning Cartman's name. I feel my throat tighten.
"H--how, when even..." My voice starts to crack.
"You forgot that I have a way to sneak into your room didn't you." He says while crossing his arms. Guilt covers my face and I feel like I am going to cry.
"Hehe, what a dirty little jew~ you liked when I was on top of you didn't you." I gulp and my head feels hot.
"N-no you stupid fatass,"
Cartman pushes me down on the floor taking dominance over me. Just like he did to me the day of the fight.
"So it is true hehe, it appears you're starting to get a hard-on." Cartman then gets off on top of me and sat down next to me. "Listen, Kahl, unless you want this video to go up to everyone in the school, I suggest you do whatever I say got it?" I nod and gulp.
"First things first, you're gonna make a project about our topic and give me most of the credit and second of all, you're gonna stop calling me a fatass and call me master." An evil grin crosses his face.
"Cartman, I'm not calling you master," I call back.
"Well then guess we're gonna be posting this video."
"Okay fine! I'll call you master... Master."
"Hmpf, that's more like it hehe. Oh and one last this for now."
"Oh, anything for you master." I say in a sarcastic tone."
"Hehe... Remember that contract we made? Yeah, you're gonna have to do it since you lost the bet." Cartman starts to crackle a blood-curdling laugh and hands me the contract.
"If Kyle loses the bet that I wouldn't get a girlfriend, he would have to suck Eric Cartman's balls. "
Signed Kyle.
I gulp and sigh.

---------------------------------------------------------sorry goodness I saved this on a word document, you're welcome everyone

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