Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Kyle's POV

"Get out," Cartman called out at me with an angry, but confused tone. I gave him a look of confusion.

"You heard me jew, get out NOW" Cartman made sure that his message was clear by accentuating the word now as he spoke.

"But why?" I spoke back in an uncertain tone. The emotion spread on Cartman's face was not a happy one, but an angry one. I knew that this was my time to leave. Although I didn't want to leave. Fuck... I know that I shouldn't have enjoyed sucking his balls, but I did as much as I wanted to deny it... But I take my only chance of leaving unharmed and run up the stairs from the basement and exit the building.

I was still slightly hard from when I was in the basement with Cartman when I exited into the cool outdoors, but I would have cared less about that... There was obviously something bothering Cartman, Cartman would have never stopped something that would have completely humiliated me... Whatever the reason, it would have been a serious reason since he stopped it so abruptly.

My thoughts are cancelled by my arrival at my house. I enter through the door and head straight to my room.

Before I head to bed I pause to think... I need to figure out where the thousands of micro-cameras as Cartman would say are and the reason why Cartman stopped our session yesterday... It would be useful information for the future, but how would I get it... Hmmm...

An idea lights into my brain. BUTTERS! Cartman tells everything about himself to Butters... He must have told him something about the cameras, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Monday Morning

"Butters, I need to ask you something." I hesitantly go up to Butters looking around to see if Cartman is around.

"S-sure Kyle, what do you wanna know buddy," Butters asks in the innocent stuttery voice he's had since 4th grade.
I notion towards the door so that I and Butters could be in private knowing that there are cameras somewhere within the school.

"Alright Butters, I need to ask you a question, a very important one... Has Cartman ever told you about some sort of cameras placed in the school? I ask skeptically while trying not to be too loud.

"Sorry fellow, Eric hasn't told me about anything of that sort... Hamburgers I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but Eric has a diary... well he says it's a journal because diaries are for girls, but he w-writes anything that he doesn't tell me in there." Butters finish his sentence and a feeling of relief is felt knowing that I could find out serious information about Cartman.

"Perfect, thanks a lot for the information Butters, but one more thing, do you by any chance know where the journal is?" I ask

"Errr... that's a tough one Kyle, I b-b-believe it's in his closet somewhere." Butter speaks and I smirk in response. I give him a thumbs up and before I leave I ask him to not tell Cartman about our conversation, he nods and smiles.

I guess I'll have to pay Cartman's house a surprise visit and take a look at that journal he has... But I'll have to be quick and quiet.

1:30 am Tuesday

I place the final thing of my outfit on (that being a black toque to conceal my crazy red jewfro as Cartman would say. I am currently dressed in all black so that I can sneak into Cartman's house without being caught.

Sneakily I creeped out of my room through the window and headed down to the house over so that I could be placed in front of Cartman's house. Quickly I check the door just to find out that it is locked (surprising since Cartman is quite irresponsible).

"Shit," I whisper under my breath. Taking deep breaths to calm my nerves of sneaking out so late at night, I stop to think about how I could get into the house then it comes to my mind.

I search the snow for a small rock and aim it directly at Cartman's window. With a quick toss, I throw it at the window making a rather large clunk noise that surely wakes Cartman or at least catches his attention. I run into the bushes by his front door and wait.

In fact, I was correct and Cartman opens his window just to take a quick look outside to see if anyone was there and then closes the window and goes back into the depths of his room.

"Goddamnit," I sigh then frown. I am not amused.

Going back to my previous plan, I throw another rock at his window and run back to the bushes near his front door, but this time, Cartman opens the window and yells.

"When I find who did that I'm gonna kick you in the nuts." After that, the sound of footsteps comes closer to the front door. The door slams wide open and Cartman in his night slippers runs out of the house to search for the person throwing the rocks at his window... Before he closes the door behind him, I slip into the building and head straight to his room as quickly, but quietly as I could.

Score. I thought as I entered Cartman's room and headed towards his closet.

Alright now if I were a fat, racist, neo-nazi, where would I hide my journal... Quickly scanning his closet I noticed a small box about the size of a book... That has got to be where he is hiding it. I open the box and grab a small black book that says PROPERTAH OF ERIC CARTMAN. Jesus his spelling is shit, not like I was expecting much from him. I start to open the book then suddenly Cartman's footsteps could be heard walking up the stairs.

Fuck. I ran into his closet and hid behind his several red jackets and hoodies.

"Stupid fucking kids thinking they can scare me... Next time I see them, I'm gonna make sure they respect my authoratah." Cartman's voice fills the room.
"Wait when did I open the closet?" Cartman's voice seems skeptical... Suddenly his heavy footsteps start heading in my direction. I gulp as his presence is close to mine... This could be the end of me.

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