Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Kyle's POV
After the meeting with the PC principal, the only thing left on my mind was the cameras... Everything I had said aloud and everything I did was seen... God, I fucking hate him, he's always been smart whited when it came to his devious plans. I take a deep breath and continue to walk to Mr. Garrison's classroom. After clearing my thoughts I enter the classroom and hear words that made my blood curdle.

"Alright, Kyle while you and Eric were at the office I let everyone pick out their partners for our new research project... Since everyone already has their partners that leave you and Cartman to be partners. The project is due on Monday meaning you have this weekend to make a project researching one town in the USA, I'll give you boys a paper about the requirements you need, but that's all for now boys. I swear I fucking saw my life flash before my eyes because of these terrific words. First off I already have to endure the pain and torture of knowing he has a LOT of blackmail on me, but now I gotta spend the weekend with him to crank out this stupid research project! I close my eyes and take a deep breath and slowly creep my neck towards Cartman to see a smirk, not his usual smirk, but one that could give you chills down your spine. God this is going to be bad...
Time Skip Saturday~
I can feel my knees wobble as I approach his house. A voice in my head is begging for me to not go any closer to that stupid asshole's house. My arm that was tucked tightly to my side unravels and reaches out to grab the doorknob of Eric Cartman's house. I feel the sweat drip from my forehead and my hand starts to shake immensely. But before I could open the door, Cartman opened the door for me causing his tall muscular, but still slightly chubby body to appear before me. I was tall, but he was taller making me feel as if I was a small child standing in front of a giraffe.
"Well, it looks like the little Jew showed up." His voice echoed through my head making me feel slightly light-headed.
"H-hey fatass." I make a quick reply fumbling my words.
"Now what did I say about you calling me that Kahl. You're breaking my balls when I hear that." Cartman gets a wide smirk and his eyes give hidden messages of torture.
My eyes close for a split second and I sigh. "Fine... Good day master." I give off quite an unenthusiastic vibe and give him a state of anger.
"Aw come on Kahl don't gotta be so HIV negative." He replies laughing.
"That was never funny and it still isn't funny, so can I please just get in so we can work on this stupid fucking project?"
"Listen Jew." Cartman paused harshly enunciating the word"jew". "I wouldn't be per-say being mean to the person who has enough blackmail to ruin your pathetic, little, life." Cartman gets anger in his eyes and clenches his fist into a tight ball. My throat tightens, I know what he can do... I was strong, but he was stronger.
"Cartman, calm down," I say hesitantly.
"That's it you fucking Jew." Cartman furiously grabbed my wrist and pulled me aggressively down the stairs into the basement. The basement was cold and not a single light was on. The basement door shut behind me and Cartman's hand wasn't holding onto my wrist in a tight embrace. Suddenly a single light turned on. My hands move up to cover my eyes from the bright light. My eyes finally regulate to the light and I move my hands from my eyes to see Cartman sitting in a chair with a big grin on his face. "Kahl do you know what time it is?" I don't respond, having a somewhat confused look on my face, but then it hits me... Today was the day I was supposed to suck his balls. How could I be so stupid and forget this... I get knocked out of thought by Cartman's words.
"On your knees, and suck it, Jew." Cartman's words echo through my head and I gulp. My legs hesitantly move towards the chair Cartman is sitting on. The grin on his face slowly got wider as I got closer to him. His legs spread apart revealing what to be a bulge, his bulge. I feel a tightness in my pants. Good, he's so fucking stupid, mean, and racist! Why do I have to be attracted to him? ''Well stop staring at my dick already and sick my balls, Jew." He says in a seductive tone with his deep, raspy, quite appealing voice. I stood in front of the boy and stared at him, he looked so small from up here, just like when we were kids... I continued to my knees and moved my head down towards his rather large bulge.
"Ight Jew only use your mouth."
I nod in response and move my mouth to the zipper of his dark brown jeans. My teeth clench to the zipper and I bob my head down, pulling his zipper to the bottom only to reveal his tight grey boxers which complemented his bulge quite tremendously. Quickly not to waste time I move my head to his boxers and pull them down to his ankles. His cock stood in front of me, standing tall and clear. I moved my head towards his testis and engulfed half of it in my mouth. Saliva started to build in my mouth and surrounded his testicles. My tongue swirled around his balls and my mouth started to sucks. Slurping and sucking noises filled the room as well as Cartman's moans, they were cute... No ew that's gay! Nothing about Cartman is cute except for his... Godammit, never fucking mind.
"Stop." Cartman says emotionlessly. Out of confusion I take his balls out of my mouth and look at him. Cartman got out of his chair and pushed me out of the way before walking up the stairs. Before he opened the basement door, he stopped and looked towards me. "And stop calling me master." The door shut and I was stuck sitting there all alone and confused about what just happened, it concerned me...
Cartman's POV
God, I'm so confused... I only told him to suck my balls and call me master because it would embarrass him tremendously... But now I'm starting to like it, the attention from him, him calling me master, watching him jerk off to my very own fucking name... I don't know what's happening to me, but I don't like it one bit, nuh-uh not even a little.

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