Prologue: Faithful encounter

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Third POV

The love story, like any other good love story had happened unexpectedly. The three elves were enjoying afternoon on an open field when suddenly a tornado caused by unruly mana appeared. Knowing that it's not exactly unusual for that to happen, Rhya, sticking to his lazy personality. Had said that leaving it alone would do the trick. No one disagree until a scream echoed near the tornado, belonging to a girl.

Being the righteous man that he is, licht would of course jump into the opportunity to save someone from immenent danger. His feet rushing into the tornado as he summoned his sword magic, directing it at the tornado and at the same time . A man called Lumiere had also summoned his light magic to the tornado, in attempt to save his younger sister.

A pair of strong arms soon found it's place on the female's petite body, scooping her from mid air "are you okay? " licht asked " Y-yes.thank you. " the female had replied, with a hint of red on her cheeks.

(A/N: imagine it to be Elle instead of tetia

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(A/N: imagine it to be Elle instead of tetia. Don't sweat the small details. 😂)

"Elle! " a woman slightly shouted at the female and like every good sister, she wanted to scold her for leaving the house and putting herself in danger, "why did you leave the Castle without permission? "

"Oniisan, Oneesan~! " she called at her siblings as she stand beside her hero, an elf

Lumiel and tetia rushed to her and quickly thanked the elf who had save their sister,  but it was the similarity that they shared between their grimoire that made those two man And elf stared at each other, soon joined by the other elves,  Rhya and Patry.

They will soon realize that it's not just the grimoire that they both shared similarly,  soon they will notice the similarity between their vision for the future and their shared loved for Elle. One as a brother, One as a lover.


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To be continued

The story line is from the original I just adjust some scene and instead of tetia I instead put my Oc since this story is about Elleonora and licht not licht and tetia...

I very much like the love story of tetia and licht that I wanted to make a story since there isn't that much book that cover the past 500 years. So heads up my dear reader this book will cover the story 500 years ago and I also make a second book that cover the present black clover.

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