Chapter 2: The Clumsy Brother

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We see the clover sibling flying in to the horizon going back to their home, Elle can't help but think of the male elf she was clueless when it comes to feeling she cannot describe this feeling that she feels.

Tetia looking at her younger sister seem to be in deep though. "Elle." She called but Elle did not reply still deep in thought "Elle" she called once more. Elle hearing her sister calling her name snap back to reality and turn to look at her sister. "Yes Oneesan~"

"Are you okay Elle, You seem to be deep in thought. " she asked

Elle sensing her sister worries ang gave her a smile. "I'm alright Oneesan~"

Tetia then smiled and turn her attention back to the horizon, it didn't take long for them to reach the Royal Palace.


"Licht seems to be spending a lot of time with the humans. "Vetto, one of the elves had commented one of the visit from the human to the elf village,

" They seem to share the same vision. " Rhya had said and soon yawned,

Lumiere and tetia noticed the staring eyes and soon waved at them, which in return, the elves waved back.

"Shall we go then?" Licht had offered to start the tour and soon they were off to their usual routes. Walking around the village while learning about each other race.

Tetia decided to chat with the female elf mainly fana.

Which leaves as with Licht, Elle and Lumiere.

Licht would point out something new and Lumiere would run to it, screaming "I wish Secre was here was here to see this!" while leaving Licht and Elle alone.

'Oniisan!! You left me alone with Licht again!!!!' She grumbled in her thoughts. Elle complained countless times at how Lumiere always ran off to something he found exciting, and her elder sister tetia is always with the female elf fana, leaving her with Licht. She didn't mind being with Licht of course, but she was shy around him and she wasn't sure what she could say to him to not make it awkward, but thankfully Licht would always follow Lumiere quickly or he would be greeted by another elves and they'd stay and talk, making her not alone with Licht, but this was the first time that Licht had slowed down and kept the crowd of just him and her just like that.

"A cheerful one, isn't he?" Licht had said while directing his gaze at Lumiere.

"O-oh? Yes!" She stuttered at first to reply but continue, "He's always been like that. Deeply buried in his work to make the world a better place." she recalled the hours Lumiere spend with Secre on the library.

"Does that make you lonely, my lady?"

"Oh.... At first yes but I got my sister tetia to accompany me. I'm not as skillful as he is at magic nor tetia since I can't properly control my magic.. " she slightly pouted at the fact of not being helpful as he is, "and he's always running around doing who knows what-" but she quickly recovers and laughed at the fact that Lumiere was always running around keeping poor Secre at her feet. Leaving her and tetia alone inside the palace.

Licht noticed Elle's expression, she would pout or frown whenever she feels like she's not good enough for the people, but she'd soon pick herself up with good humor, throwing smiles and warmth to everyone she meets, he soon realize why the female elves were so fond of this female human along with her sister tetia. She is beautiful, her features makes others know that she is not a commoner, she's a royalty after all. The female would talk about her sometimes, "When is she coming back? "Oh....her hair and smile is so beautiful" Oh she's so soft- spoken. " and the male elves would take not much notice on this, not really seeing this as an important subject but after a millionth time that Fana had mentioned this, Licht had started noticing this small physical details too.

But it was her smile that radiated much light and bubblyness that showed her true character: innocent, hopeful, and kind.

He didn't paid much attention to Elle at first, he welcomed them warmly without discrimination of course but naturally paid much attention to Lumiere and tetia Because the prince is the one with big Ideas while the eldest princess has a strong presence, but he soon finds the beauty that only Elle possessed, a reason why he had much hope in humans despite what the other elves think. Lumiere was smart, honourable and courageous. Tetia despite not being the most skillful magic users is very much love by the kingdom. While Elle despite the fact the she can't control her magic, is cheerful and tries her best to be of use for everyone, and it was obviously prompted by her kind nature. It was people like Elle who made Licht hopeful that the Union of humans and elves would be a reality. It was not the smartness, but her kind nature. She is a hope for Light for the future that they dreamed about.

"Licht, Elle look what I found" Lumiere shouted from the distance and snapped both the male elf and the female human into a quick walk to Lumiere's direction,

For once, Licht feels robbed of his time, though he doesn't exactly know why. He enjoyed Lumiere's innovative personality but he was basking in the warmth coming from Elle, and he was abruptly take  from it. He soon find himself wishing he'd have more time to get to know Elle this time.


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To be continued

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