Chapter 4: Rhya the guesser

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It's been a while since the human sibling visited the elf, so when they did,

"Tetia, Elle~~~" Fana had called to the female siblings when they arrived at the elf village, pulling them to the company of the female elves.

"Let the males talk about what males talk about." Fana giggled and lead them away from Licht and Lumiere.

Before being completely taken away from them, Elle turned around and Licht was staring at her departure before abruptly turning his head away back to Lumiere after being caught by Elle.

"So, Elle, how do you feel about our Licht?"

"I would like to know as well." Tetia join on interrogating her little sister.

"E-e-eh? What do you mean?" she retorted and tried her best to fight the red that's traveling to her cheeks,

"Oh, we just asked how you feel about Licht in general..." Fana had said, her index finger tapping her own cheeks as if collecting thoughts about a certain matter, "But your reaction is completely surprising.... " she continued, "Don't tell me..... you're in love with Licht?" her eyes widen at the assumption.

"E-e-eh! W-w-what makes you think that?" Elle tried to pull herself together,

"Easy. Your reaction." Fana smiled and soon  her sister and the other female elves were laughing at Elle's reaction, saying stuff like "You guys look so cute together!" "It's clear Licht wants an union with you, Elle!"

"You should just tell him how you feel. " Charla, one of the elves had said coldly.

"Mhmm... I completely agree." Tetia said agreeing to what Charla had said.

"Look who's talking!"Rhya appeared out
of nowhere breaking the group of only females allowed. "You look tough but you barely can say how you feel to.... " Rhya almost spilled the name of Charla's love interest but decided that it was wise to keep his mouth shut, "Geez, Charla... alright, I'll keep my mouth shut. Your gaze can surely cut someone as well as your thorns... prickly queen." he shivered at the thought. Charla wondered how Rhya could even know of her love interest but soon remembered how good Rhya is at seeing the truth and weeding out lies.

"Rhya.... you're interrupting us." Fana grumbled at the male.

"Ya ya~ Do you think I'd spent this much energy to listen to your ramblings? I've came because Licht told me to fetch Elle." he sighed, "What a hassle!" He yawned and motion for Elle to follow him,

Elle waved goodbye to everyone and started to follow Rhya. Leaving her sister with the female elves.

"Come princess, the prince wants you." Rhya started to walk,

"Lumiere?" Elle asked, thinking that the prince was meant to refer to Lumiere,

"No. Your other prince, Licht." Rhya continued walking without turning his gaze to her,

"O-oh... "

"So, do you like him?"

"E-eh? Y-you too Rhya?" Elle panic's because everyone seemed to ask her the same question, but she answered, "N-no." she clearly lied.

"You're a bad liar." he laughs as he points at the direction where Licht is waiting. "There, off you go to see your prince. " and start to walk away leaving Elle alone.

Elle started to walks toward where Licht is, she then approaches Licht.

"Licht? You called for me? Where is Lumiere?" Elle had greeted the male elf,

"Ah, Elle." the elf smiled at her arrival, morioning for her to walk beside him,

"I hope Fana and the other elves didn't give you a hard time."

The previous scene of her being interrogated of her love interest popped out and she quickly panic and become defensive, "W-w-why would you think like that, Licht-kun?" she waved her hand aimlessly, "We-we-we we weren't talking about anything!" she quickly added.

He chuckled and said, "I was just saying that I hope you had a good time with them." he stated, "What were you talking about then?" he smiled politely at the petite female,

"N-n-nothing?" she said.

"Oh...nothing?" he laughed softly. "We're they not saying about how perfect we'd look together or how the Union of man and elves should start with you and me or...."

Elle cheeks flushed red, "H-h-how did you know?" she buried her face with her hands,

"I didn't know. It was just a guess, a lucky guess apparently because it turned out I was right." he turned to her and see that she was shying her face ways by burying it with her soft hands.

"Oh, I hope they didn't put much pressure on you, princess." Licht smiled sadly and grab a hold of the female hands, taking it into his grip and revealing her red face.

"I think they're right though." he continued, not letting go of her soft hands,

"You do?" her eyes widen at the statement,

"Yes. Don't you think so?" he smiled at her, wishing she'd agree.

"E-e-eh..." Elle stuttered and for a minute Licht's heart sank,

"Though of course there are also other ways to prove that human and elves can unite. I don't want you to be burdened." he explained, using one of his hand to tuck her hair behind her ears.

"N-no, it's just that..." Elle tried to explain,

"Oh" Licht smiled, "You have a human in your heart." he started to let go of her hands but Elle hold his grip,

"No. It's just..... I don't know if the other elves would accept me." she had Patry in mind, but quickly added, "But, I want to be with you Licht."

"Oh, Elle, Elle~" he pulled her into his embrace. "Don't you know how much they adore you?" he said as he ran his finger though her hair. "I've accepted you long ago, Elle. " he started, "and over time, I've also grown fond of your company." he added, "I'm sure they will learn to accept and grow their love towards you."


"There's a future I want to build. A future that we both share together in our dreams. I'd like you to be my life long companion in achieving this dream, Elle. "

"I also want to be the one beside you to see that future, Licht."

"I'm happy to know that the Union of elves and humans is based on love. " he smiled, pulled her back enough to stare into her beautiful emerald eyes.

"Now, come. Let us join lumiere and Tetia. " he said, pulling Elle's hand with his, into the future they both wish to see.


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To be continue

This will be the last chapter for this week and expect the next chapter by monday or Tuesday.

Once again that k you for reading

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Sayonara minna-san

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