Chapter 6:The beginning of hope

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Several visits have happened since that incident, but today marks the change of both their lives.

"L-L-Licht!" Elle had hurriedly called him when she arrived at the village,

"What's the matter, love?" he noticed her panic state but tried hard to keep himself composed,

"H-h-how do I say this? I was so shocked to know that I could not eat certain things and I could not sleep, and I don't feel well and I want this and that and I.... " she kept rambling on with the qualities of being pregnant but never actually announced that she is with a baby,

Licht didn't understand at first, he kept listening to her distress call and wanted her to get to the point so he called her out, "Ell-"

"I'm pregnant!" she suddenly blurted.

"W-what?" his eyes widen at the statement and he had to pinch himself
To know that he's not dreaming. They had only done it once but apparently that was all it took for them.

"Y-You're going to be a father." she stuttered.

"Oh, wow." he took a moment to
breathe before throwing the widest smile he had ever casted, "Oh, Elle, Elle. What good news!" he scooped her into his arms and twirl her around, making her giggle and smile unconsciously.

"Y-y-you're not afraid?" she asked shyly when the twirling is over,

"There's no need to be afraid with you as my wife." he kisses the top of her head, "Thank you for bringing this much joy, Elle. " he smiled at her.

"Now, I don't know how I can hide this from-"

"You must certainly stay with me, Elle." he had always wanted her to stay with him at the elf village, but he knows Elle's concern about it, but now.... things have changed.... with a baby on her womb. A little one, representing both the elves and the humans. "Come and be with us, my love. "

Elle wanted to object, but she knows there was no way she can hide her growing g belly from the royalties, so she said, "Yes, oh yes! I'll stay with you. " and that earned her another round of twirling from Licht.

Licht knew that the Union of Elle and him would become the symbol of the unity for both race, but he didn't know that it would be in the shaped of an unborn child.

After telling Lumiere and Tetia of the good news. Elle then continue to live her life in the elves' village. Lumiere and Tetia had help cover Elle's track and the other elves were very welcoming of her stay.

"Please take care of your self Elle. Eat properly. " Tetia said worriedly she knew that it will soon happen but she didn't expect to be this early. Elle nods at her Elder sister.

"Don't be a burden." Lumiere had warned playfully to Elle but Licht had answered for her, "She won't be. We love having her."

Lumiere and Tetia only smiled at their friend before taking off.

Licht and Elle continued to keep the baby a secret until the belly was to large to conceal,

"You're with a child?" Vetto exclaimed excitedly when the news was announced,

"Ah, with you two as it's parents. I'm sure it'll be a wonderful child." Fana added,

" Congrats Elle, and Licht too...... I guess. "Rhya added,

" Well, thanks, I guess."Licht laughed and was grateful that the baby will be welcomed by all of them warmly.


After the announcement, the couple are now ready to move on the wedding ceremony. Fana and the other elves are much help to the couple except one as the lazy elf, Rhya.

"Are you too lazy to even wake up now?" Vetto had greeted the said Elf.

"You're the worst." Fana added,

"Shut up you two." Rhya just took their comments as an annoying statement and decided to focus his energy on something much more useless, like bullying the little grumpy, Patry.

"Jeez, Patry. Hogging the spot next to Licht again? After tomorrow's ceremony, he's going to belong to someone else so you should probably cut the cord now."

"Shut up, I can do what I want." Patry replied coldly, while drinking,

"What! You little brat!" Rhya exclaimed irritatedly.

Elle could only laugh at their hate-love behavior, but she didn't want to take Licht away from his first family, "it's okay! even if I marry Licht, he still belongs to everyone. Since I down want to take Licht away from his first family. " Elle is not selfish, she is willing to share for the greater good.

Rhya threw a couple of praises to the human princess and Fana went back to their original topic before Rhya came and screw everything up with his jokes,

"So Licht, how does it feel knowing you're going to be a father in a few months? "

"I can feel the blessings upon us. I am happy that our child will come into this world welcomed by everyone. " he replied and Elle laughed softly at his statement. Licht then turned his gazed to his soon-to-be wife and placed a gentle hand on her growing belly, "This child is our future. It'll bridge the gap between human and elves. "

Elle smiled at her soon-to-be husband words. The other can help and smiled at that, looking forward to the future that they all hope, starting with the wedding on the coming day.

(A/N:Please imagine it to be Elle instead of Tetia

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(A/N:Please imagine it to be Elle instead of Tetia. Hehehe don't mind the small details.)


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To be continue

Yes 1 more chapter and it's epilogue time I'm sad that this story will soon come to an end since I really like the love story of Licht and Tetia...

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