Something of a Past

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Requested by: Lisa61081

Plot: Jack talks about his past with the others and later comforts his baby brothers (this takes place four years after the first request)

TW: Child Abuse


"Jack?..." The blonde looked over confused, seeing his now fiancé, Hans. The ginger gave him a soft smile causing Jack smile softly as well. Hans now walked over to him as he hugged him, Jack chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his soon-to-be-husband's nose. The Chef laughed as the couple shared a soft kiss. 

Jack smiled through the kiss and pulled away, looking at him curiously "Yes, my fiancé?" He asked with a raised brow but yelped when Hans picked him up bridal style, Jack shook his head and watched Hans take him to their now bedroom. They were able to renovate the house into something more of their style but Hans and Jack planned on moving after getting married. 

As they arrived in their bedroom, Hans now flopped down on the bed with the blonde on top of him, they chuckled as the blonde rolled to the side, now snuggling to his fiancé. Jack then nuzzled his nose to Hans who now asked "Why didn't you take the throne?" He looked at him with a soft look as Jack then looked off and hummed, he laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling and sighed softly as he said "It's a bit... hard to get by" Hans now held his hand and gave him a reassuring look that he can take his time. 

Jack sighed and said "Well... It happened when I was coming of age to assume the throne..."

"Papa?..." A little Jack asked with his small voice as he waddled over to his father who sat by the throne. The King grinned at his eldest as he picked him up making the boy giggle "Jack! My Heir!" He would always call me His Heir... rather than his son... 

"Papa, when I'm old enough like you, will I be a King too?" the little boy asked with such admiration towards his father... or what he though who he was... The King now smirked when he said "Oh Jack... Of course you will! You'll be even greater than the other King's of this Island! Just wait and see..." As his mother came in with the triplets... all three years old as they waddled over to them... Our life is what others would say a luxury... But for me... it was a living Hell.

He even hired a tutor to guide me and give me such princely lessons... at the age of 5... 

What can a five year old do?... Besides getting in trouble...

"Jack!" His father called out from his office, angry, the little boy had accidentally fallen asleep during class with his tutor. Of course the said tutor had to report daily to the King of their lessons... 

"Yes... Papa?... " Jack asked with fear in his tone... He was nervous even, he's never seen his father this mad... but that didn't stop the poor boy from tearing up when his father walked over and harshly grabbed his ear "What is this nonsense that I hear, huh? Falling asleep during class? Are you that weak?" The King sneered.

"! It was too early-"

"Jack! You are a prince! And prince's are not weak! A simple class at six in the morning is not that torturing boy!"

"I.. I'm sorry, Papa-" The boy was cut off when the man threw him down the floor. The King towered over the little boy who cried but whimpered when his father backhanded him... I was five... A FIVE YEAR OLD! 

The little boy held onto his cheek which reddened from the hit, his tears stung on his cheeks as he scampered to get up and headed to the nursery where his mother was. Feeding Kio with a bottle of milk, the Queen looked up with a smile but soon dropped as she was alarmed by her crying son "Il mio bambino! What happened?" As soon as her son knelt down and hugged her legs, crying onto her dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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