Jans (Chap.4)

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Short Story (Jack x Hans)

Beach Party (Modern AU)

After they were done with their meals, they all divided of how much they'll pay for the food, after that they left the restaurant and walked back to their rooms but this time, Jack's walking on sand without any help from Hans.

This made the ginger haired man get sad a bit but didn't showed it as for Arthur, he was glad Jack wasn't on the ginger haired man's back anymore while the blonde narcissist chatted away with the couple "Im honestly surprised that you're still single Jack" Merlin said as Snow smacked his stomach lightly "Merlin-" Snow was interrupted by Jack "No it's fine Snow, and honestly, I don't think anyone would want or like to date me" said the french blonde as the couple looked at him with disbelief, why wouldnt anyone want to date him? He's what girls say the definition of a 'Prince' or that's what Jack's 'fangirls' love to call him in the media.

Meawhile the triplet's asked why Arthur wasnt sure if his 'date' would answer him or not "Well... let's just say that, they might reject me and could possibly destroy our friendship" Arthur said, this took Hans' interest and asked "Well who is this 'date' of your's? Do we know them?" Hans said, already knowing the answer but wishes to hear it from Arthur "Jack..." Arthur said as he stared at the blonde narcissist infront of them, this took the triplets off guard then Kio whispered "You like him?" The irish man blushed a little as soon as he heard that making the german cook growl under his breathe and look away clearly mad in the inside.

~~《Back to the resort》~~

The group finally arrived back to the hotel, Jack was looking around until he saw a jacuzzi spot near the pools, why not take a dip later tonight?, they kept walking and took an elevator back to their room's, Snow soon plopped down onto their bed and sighed "Im tired" Snow yawned as Merlin layed down next to her "It's only 5:45 pm Snow" Snow shrugged and streched her arms out "I saw the pools on the way here, Maybe we should check it out tonight and take a swim?" Jack suggested which cuaght everyone by surpised "I thought you weren't going to swim?" Asked Hans who leaning on the wall "I wouldn't swim in the ocean, i'd rather choose the pool, and I wont have a sun burn nor get tanned at night" the french blonde pointed out as they all agreed on his idea.

They all went to their separate beds as Hans plopped back down onto his shared bed with Jack, who was searching for something in his luggage, Hans felt someone tapping his shoulder, he looked bacm and saw Pino and Niko gesturing him to sit with them on their bed, Hans did so they huddled up a bit and talking quietly "So, what's up?" The siblings looked at each other as on typed on their phone and showed it to Hans which read 'Do you like Jack?', the german cook was confused but blushed a little and nodded, not denying his crush on the blonde, they soon typed something again on their phone and showed it to Hans 'Are you and Arthur having a rival?' By this point, Hans wasnt sure if he and Arthur were rival, they're friends, if one was accepted than the other, they would respect that right?

They soon finished their 'Secret Convo' and went back to what they were doing but this time Jack and Hans were both laying down on the bed Jack had already found what he was looking for in his luggage, he was on his phone scrolling through his social media's while Hans was also on his phone, thinking about his feelings towards the blonde, I mean yes he's cute, the way his face scrunches up whenever he's annoyed, his clear blue eyes, the way he smile's or smirks, he was very cute- wait cute? Jack? Cute? He's handsome alright but- sigh.

Hans' was confused about this emotions the last time we felt love for one person was Aurora during high school but that soon faded away when said girl fell in love with someone else, of course he felt sad but moved on since the girl chose someone else which in his case respect's that decision, but back to his current situation... what if Jack chose Arthur instead of him? It would be understandable but it would fill Hans with immense sadness, his thoughts were soon brushed off as someone shooked him and opened his eyes, He didnt realize he shut them in the first place, he was face with the gorgoues blonde who was a few inches away "Get changed, we're heading to the pool" the blonde said who seemed rather excited as he got off the bed and walked in the bathroom, he looked around and saw the twins already changed, he looked out the rather large windows and saw that it was night already, he must've took a nap.

He sat up and stretched his arms and yawned a bit, Noki sat next to him and whispered "We caught him staring at your face" making the ginger haired man blush and look at the two who had smirks on their face's, their light blonde bangs hiding their eyes, he shooked his head trying to get rid of the blush and changed into his swim trunks, just as he finished Jack came out of the bathroom in his own swim trunks, the blonde's eye's glanced at the ginger's back and right before his gaze trailed down he turned away with a pink hue and huffed as he placed his neatly folded recent clothes in his duffel bag, just as he finished stuffing them in Snow came in the room already in her swimsuit "C'mon guys, there should be less people by now at the pool" they all nodded and walked into the first room and saw the three guys already changed, they all headed down to the pool and saw there were atleast 5 people left there, they placed their towels onto the vacant beach chairs by the side while Arthur was the first one to dive in the pool, coming next were the triplets, then Hans, and the couple jumping in together while Jack looked around and saw by the other side of the pool was the jacuzzi spots that were separated by tall palm tree's and a stone path leading to it, he placed his towel down on a beach chair and walked over to the jacuzzi's while no one noticed him, except for a ginger haired man, who caught him walking off and behind the palm tree's, he silently got off the pool and followed Jack, who now has already dipped in one of the jacuzzi's, Hans walked up to him and sat by the edge of the jacuzzi "Having some alone time there bud?"

Jack sat up from his leaned position and saw Hans "I thought you were with the other's?" He said while following the man's action's who now sat a seat away from him "Meh, I didn't feel like it, I love to swim on pools but im just a bit tired so here I am" Hans made an excuse hoping for the blonde to buy it who believed it and leaned back on his seat and looked up to the starry night "The star's look bright tonight... just like diamonds" the german cook chuckled at the blonde's little compliment for the stars "Just like you.." Hans mumbled which caught the blonde's interest and looked at if with confusion "Say that again?" Hans looked at the blonde and blushed a little "I dont know what you're talking about" Hans tried to deny it while the blonde kept pushing on it, after seconds which felt likes hours for the german cook he sighed "I said-" Hans stopped and gazed at the blonde eye's "Well? What is it?" Jack said clearly annoyed, Hans soon yet slowly moved forward the blonde who stared at his hazel eyes "Just like you".

Hans' eyes trailed down to the taller male's lips, both males didnt notice that they were both leaning closer and closer until...

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