Dear Dolly (Chap.2)

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Doll AU (Jack x Hans)

~~《That Night》~~

Both Hans and the doll we're using Hans' laptop to do some research "So, a rafadaline flower only blooms at night during leap year or new year's eve... so all we need to do is wait for a few day's since it's almost christmas and new year!" Hans said as he looked over to the doll who sat next to the laptop, reading the article about the flower "It also say's here that flower only blooms in the 'Cave of Despair'...." the both of them looked at each other with horrified looks "Let's not make the cure then" Jack simply said makin the ginger hair look at him with disbelief "You're giving up that easily?" Jack nodded with a thin lip making Hans groan "It's best to be safe" Jack said as he crossed his plush arms.

"Do you want to be a doll for the rest of your life!?" Hans a was bit enraged about this, startling the doll who looked up to Hans scared, they both heard footsteps from outside the room as Hans grabbed Jack and placed him next to his pillow and shut his laptop off and flopped down onto the bed acting like he's asleep, the door soon opened revealing a tired Gretel "I swear I heard someone... meh" she shrugged and closed the door as the footsteps faded away, Hans sighed in relief and turned over to Jack who was hiding next to the pillow "It's clear, you can come out now" Hans lowered his voice as Jack climbed up the ginger haired boys pillow and sat there "Uhm.. hey- uh- about raising my-" Hans was cut off by the doll raising it's hand, stopping him "It's fine, we can talk about this tomorrow" Jack looked at the desk making Hans look to it as well and saw it was 3 am, he sighed and went to sleep anyways.

~~《Timeskip/Two days before Christmas》~~

It was in the middle of the night where the two have been catching up since last week, Hans hasn't told any of his friends about Jack yet, the other's we're a bit confused yet worried about the ginger haired boy who rarely hang's out with them for parties or a sleepover which was very odd, they soon suspected that something might be wrong with the ginger haired boy, so they all decided to have a surprise visit at his house "So, let's try this again, if we put a quarter cup of purified salt in the cure, would it be salty or not?" "I don't know mon ami, and beside's we don't have the flower yet" "Well im just planning ahead because after christmas im going to make an excuse trip, most likely a cover up so that we could journey to the cave" Jack was surprised that Hans was helping him turn back to a human but he didn't mind as continued stepping on the keyboard of the laptop searching if there's anyone else who had the same curse as him, while Hans was busy sketching down on his notebook on possible scenario's as the two minded their own business, the group ended up arriving late as Merlin knocked on the door as Gretel opened it.

"Uh...Hey guys, isn't it a bit late?" Gretel looked at them confused "We're surpising Hans for a visit" Snow said while the other's agreed as Gretel made an 'oohh' as she let them in "Try not to be noisy, the neighbor's could hear it" the other's nodded and thanked Gretel as they went upstairs and before they knocked they heard Hans talking to someone "Listen, maybe you're the first one to have this 'curse'" Hans said making the other's curious, a curse? What curse? "Or maybe no one has posted about this and never gave any information" a second voice popped up, having a french accent which was quite familiar "Okay then so you wouldn't mind me kissing you to test a theory that this curse is like a 'True Love's Kiss' thing?" Hans added making the other's baffled "No! We are not doing that you ingrate" that was it, the other's barged in revealing Hans sitting on his desk chair and a doll that looks like Jack.

They all looked at each other with either shocked/surprised/or scared looks on their faces. A few minutes passed as the group was inside Hans' room, Arthur,Merlin and Snow on the bed while the triplet's were at the floor while Hans was sitting on the desk chair with the doll on his lap as they explained the situation to them "So Jack was just cursed and was left at the forest for a year?" Jack and Hans nodded as Arthur said that "How was he even cursed?" Jack and Hans both shrugged while the blonde doll said "I have no idea, I woke up at night to see myself like this already" the other's nodded while Noki sat infront of the doll and gently poked both it cheeks most likely squishing then in making the blonde doll scrunch his face up with a pout "Aaww he looks so cute" Noki said while Pino and Kio looked over both his shoulders and awed as well "You can stop now and besides you should get going, it's 2 am atleast" Hans said pulling the doll away from the triplets and placing it on his shoulder making the other shocked, they all quickly said bye to the two and ran home.

The two left inside sighed in relief "That went well" said the doll as he sat on the ginger haired boy's shoulder while he nodded, he placed the doll down onto the desk as he got ready for sleep, after a few minutes Hans grabbed Jack and placed him down on the bed next to him as he layed down and faced the blonde who was sitting infront of him who had a worried look making the ginger haired boy curious about it "What's wrong?" He propped his arm up and placed his cheek on his palm while the doll sighed "I really want this cure to work... to assure my parents that... im alright... im here" the doll hung his head low and curled up, Hans had a sad smile on him thinking, of course the cure would work, why wouldn't it? He scooped up the doll and placed him next to his chest, the doll looked up who had a slight pink hue across it's face but snuggled up to the ginger's chest, Hans smiled and yawned as he lightly draped an arm ontop of the doll and fell asleep.

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