The Prodigy

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20bby, the clone war wages still. A battle on the ground is starting to heat up as an army of clones clashes with an army of droids. They are battling for control over the planet Dofom, a valuable mid rim world known for its abundantly prosperous oil production. If the republic can take this planet from the separatists, then it could ease their financial burdens a great deal in regards to medical supplies.
A young, Zabrak padawan with orange skin is curled up in a muddy, stinky trench, underneath a small, sackcloth canopy with holes in it. She was getting as much sleep as she could afford before going back out to fight, when drops of rainwater came through her canopy and hit her head. She sits up, and stretches her arms and legs out, her joints stiff from sleeping curled up in a cramped space. Suddenly all of the noise registers in the padawan's pointed ears - the sounds of unyielding blaster fire going back and forth, mortars touching down and making thunderous explosions, and the gunships having it out with vulture droids in the sky. The padawan is named Daliss N'dal, and she has gotten a bit used to the sounds of war. At least enough so she can sleep enough to keep fighting. She has pointed facial features, dark, reddish-brown hair, and six fingers on each hand.
Daliss realizes the time, and then frantically puts her hair up in a ponytail and then hurries on her way. The trench she runs through is filthy, and from practically living in the mire for the last several months, Daliss has gotten filthy as well. Covered in mud nearly from head to toe. It was miserable at first but the girl has gotten used to that too. Daliss runs through the trench and down a slope that leads into a cave, where inside she finds a table with a holomap surrounded by clone troopers and her master, Todak Naatsudah. Todak is an Ardennian, a very short, four armed simian with purplish blue fur. The clone troopers have purple markings painted on their armor, and Daliss has matching markings painted on her own armor in admiration of her troops.
"Ciao!" She says to the room once she enters. Daliss has a thick accent which is very different from everyone else's in the room. "What did I miss?"

"You're late, Princess." The Jedi master teases. He calls his padawan Princess because Daliss' horns seem to look like a crown in her silhouette. "You catch enough sleep in this trench?"

"As a matter of fact, I did." Daliss answered in a playfully boastful tone. "I'm getting used to sleeping in these conditions."

"That's what I like to hear." Daliss heard along with a hefty pat on her back. The clone squad commander appears next to the padawan. "Now that we're all here, let's go over the details of the current situation." The commander zooms in on the holomap to their current position a little less than a mile off from a beach. "So far, the separatists have been steadily pushing us further into the mainland and taking the beach. They will capture the whole province if this keeps up. Reinforcements won't be here soon enough so we've got to find a way to push them back."

Todak thinks for a second, stroking his beard while examining the map. Then he suddenly turns his attention to Daliss.
"Princess!" He says cheerfully. "What do you think?"

Daliss gulps - why'd he ask her? She's not a strategist. Master Todak always tries to include Daliss in strategic discussions, so as to sharpen her creative mind for tense situations. But she really has no idea how to solve the current issues. Or so she thinks...
"What if..." Daliss says, looking at the map. "If we were to stop pushing to secure the beach, and focus our strength here?" Daliss zooms out on the holomap, and then draws a line towards a fortress towards the west of their current position. "We could capture this fort - it is really close to us so we could create a supply chain and put pressure on their flank. That way we could slow down their push. ... Maybe... I don't know..."

Master Todak and the commander both think for a few seconds, and then start to discuss different courses of action. Meanwhile, Daliss is just hoping that when they turn down her idea it won't be revealed to be too terrible of a plan.
"That's a really good idea." The commander says, much to Daliss' surprise. She drops her jaw slightly. "I think if we moved some turrets and tanks here..." He continues as he moves his finger across the map. "We should be able to take that fort..."

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