Diamond Squad is Unbreakable

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Wac could not come along on this next mission because of the surgery, and he will be missed, as this is an important mission. But with an extra Jedi, another legion of clone troopers, and a surplus of weapons for good measure, victory should come one way or another. The mission is to simply recapture that old Dofomian fortress in the rocky hills. From the reports that Todak has received, Qerreth is already making a good push for recapturing the fortress, but he also reported that more fortifications have been set up around the rocky perimeter of the fortress. The B2-DT1s are not here, thankfully, but there is no small number of regular B2s defending the fortress. If it were just more B1s Qerreth and the raging hawks alone would have already taken it by now.
Daliss is going to drop down with the paratroopers of the diamond squad again, and a storm of gunships will cover their decent. Meanwhile, Todak and the diamond squad commander will group up with general Qerreth and his forces with the weaponry that Daliss smuggled.

It is a cloudy, rainy day, and if not for the geoscanners on the ships, Daliss and her paratroopers troops wouldn't even know where to drop from. She puts her helmet on as the doors to the gunship opens, and Daliss is the first person to jump out in a dive through the clouds. She is tense and racked with nervousness from anticipation as she plummets through the thick clouds. And suddenly, she and her paratroopers burst through and the battle becomes visible below. Red and blue blaster bolts firing back and forth, black craters dotting the land from mortar fire, and an abundance of artillery such as tanks and walkers battling it out in a heated and intense fight. When the Jedi prodigy touches down, she immediately starts tearing through the enemy forces, picking off all of the B1s she can while her paratroopers merge with Todak and Qerreth's forces to eliminate the B2s. She is missing Wac, whom she'd always meet after touch downs from the sky. He and Daliss worked very well together and their bond made it easier to form strategies in the midst of battle.
Eventually, Daliss and Crater meet up with Todak and Qerreth, taking cover inside of a turret bunker. The air drop strategy didn't go as well as they'd hoped and they're now stuck in a stalemate for now. Qerreth is covered in mud and ash, his long black hair fell out of the bun it was in.
"You made quite an impressive entrance, padawan." Qerreth said to Daliss in a plain tone. "You're master was clearly right about your abilities."

Daliss blushes bashfully, and accepts this high praise with a brief bow and a thank you.
"I reckon our last strategy we used to capture this fort won't work." Todak says. "Daliss! Any ideas?"

She chokes up, wishing he didn't always go straight to her for advice.
"We are making a very good push so far..." She says, thinking about a plan. "What if we merged all of our forces more tightly together for one big push towards the gate?"

"Your quick thinking is good," Qerreth said. "But we can't try a compact assault because of all of the heavy artillery the enemy has. We need to keep our forces spread out evenly to minimize casualties."

Daliss feels a little bad about her idea getting shot down but Qerreth was nice about it at least.
"Actually..." Qerreth said suddenly, stroking the stubble growth on his chin. "Master Todak, what if the three of us split up to deal with the rest of these bunkers, and then we compact our forces as your padawan suggested?"

Todak ponders for a moment and then pulls up a small holomap to look it over briefly.
"We'll give it a shot." He says, before turning to Daliss. "Can you manage two of those bunkers, Daliss?"

"Sì!" She says nervously but excitedly as well.

"Good." Todak answered, showing the two other Jedi his map. "Qerreth, you get go take out these, Daliss, you capture those two and I'll handle the rest. You two head out together and I'll give the orders to the rest of the troops."

Daliss heads out behind Qerreth and he ignites a blue, double-bladed lightsaber as he rushes into battle beside the padawan. He is very impressive with his aggressive fighting style, consisting of many jumps, spins and wide swings. He and Daliss rip through the droid armies until they split up to turn their attention to different bunkers. Daliss hops along the rocky area and then jumps in through a small, horizontal window and starts ripping up the B1s inside, quickly clearing it out. There are plenty of B2s waiting for her outside of the bunker. B2s are always difficult to deal with in clusters, but Daliss manages to destroy the ones in her way, securing the first turret bunker she was assigned to take out. The next bunker was cleared easily enough and then Daliss reported to Todak and Qerreth over the comms, who have finished their work as well. Now with the heavy artillery secured, the forces merge together and break through the separatist defenses and reach the walls of the fortress. The clones use grappling hooks to scale the walls while the Jedi protect their ascent from the top. And from there, the battle was essentially won. Altogether, the separatists were outnumbered in this battle 2 to 1, which is nearly a definitive win considering how much more dangerous a clone is than a B1 battle droid. The battle was won in less than a day, beginning with Qerreth's initial assault and with Todak and Daliss' reinforcements it only lasted a few hours more. Such a sound victory is very good for the morale of the troops, and they are ready for the next step in the war. Daliss is eager to jump into the next fight as well, but Todak has other plans for her. Once things are all sorted with the recaptured fortress, Todak will have his padawan knighted. She fought very well today, she led her troops very well the day before, and with Todak's shining reports to the council, they agree that the young Jedi is ready for knighthood.

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