The Battle of Ayro

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Daliss had returned to the trenches a couple of days after she left for the deliveries, admittedly feeling much better than she was before leaving. She hasn't told her master about that mysterious dark sider she saw in the city yet, hoping that she won't regret it. Daliss' idea was to wait to tell Todak until there less going on: Todak has informed the padawan that the separatists received more intelligence and they know about the reinforcements coming. A huge battle is now on its way, with intention of taking the trenches reinforcements arrive, and cutting off the republic from Ayro. These intelligence leaks are going to become a real problem, and the clone commander is furious. There is no time to investigate however, because there is a large scale attack coming towards the trenches and they have less than a day to prepare. Fortunately, the reinforcements supposed to arrive with the next 30 hours, so everyone has a bit more confidence about the whole situation.
Master Todak is leads his padawan through the trenches to the northernmost end, and left her with Wac. Turrets, cannons and anti air defenses have been mounted by the front lines in preparation for the coming battle. Clone troopers are all lined up and ready for action, as the separatist forces assemble. It's always an intense feeling, the calm before the storm. Daliss always feels anxious in those quiet moments before the battle picks up. Battles like these go on for days, and there is always a moment of pure silence before it begins, as though both sides are waiting for the other to fire the first shot.
The young, eager padawan has painted half of her face and the tips of her horns purple for the occasion. She holds the clone troopers she fights beside in the most high regards, and she wears their colors to honor them.
"You look good, Princess." Wac says, patting Daliss' head.

Daliss looks up at him and gives a big smile while making a peace sign with her fingers.
"Daliss." The commander says from behind her, startling the padawan slightly. She turns around to face him. "General Keth has hailed for negotiations, and master Naatsudah wants you to come along."

Daliss freezes for a moment, wondering why she'd be asked to do something like this. Hopefully she won't have to speak at all though, and looking tough will suffice.
"I would appreciate it if you could be a little more serious for the negotiations." The commander says bluntly as they start walking together.

Daliss gulps, and feels embarrassed. She knows that she goofs off a lot, but Daliss likes to think she can be serious when she needs to be. The commander sort of hurt her feelings, but the padawan doesn't say anything - even though she wants to. Instead she just follows the commander silently.
"What's this about, general?" The commander says, as he and Daliss approach Todak.

"Apparently, general Keth wants to have a little chat, is all." He answers casually. "I believe he's going to try and intimidate us. But that's not gonna work, is it, Daliss?"

"No master!" She says confidently.

"Then let's get to it." The Jedi master says as he leads the way.

Daliss is nervous, leaving the trenches and going into the large, flat field outside of it. There are numerous amounts of destroyed battle droids and dead clones are scattered all around, accompanied by various sizes of scorch marks and blast craters. They've been defending this position for months and the carnage of war paints a vivid picture on this field. As they get closer, Daliss can see that there are multiple times more B2s than was expected...
General Keth is accompanied by a pair of B2s, but also a new type of droid. It looks just like a B2, except it is considerably larger and painted brown. This one has thicker arms and legs, and it has a cannon on its left-hand shoulder.
"Good morning, master Jedi, commander." Keth says formally, notably disregarding Daliss.

"I see you've got a new toy there." Todak says, looking up at the hulking droid. Todak is only 4 feet and 10 inches tall, so this 7 foot behemoth is exceptionally large to him. "I suppose that new clanker is why you're here?"

"Indeed." The separatist general answers. "This is the B2-DT1. A special new battle droid designed specifically for combat in rough terrains like those of Dofom."

"Go on." Todak says in a polite manner, in an attempt to get as much information as he can about the new droid.

"With pleasure." General Keth continues. "Besides the mortar cannon you can see, the B2-DT1 is equipped with an energy shield which I can say will be troublesome for your lightsabers. It will not lose its balance in this mire, with its incredible poise."

"You are revealing quite a bit about that thing." Todak says, crossing all four of his arms. "You must be pretty confident in its abilities."

"I am. You and your troops have trouble dealing with large numbers of regular B2 battle droids, so imagine the amount of them standing before you now, backed by their more dangerous brethren. That leads us to the negotiations. It's very simple. Disperse. Stand aside and leave Dofom now. In return you will be spared your lives."

Todak takes a deep breath. He knows that the odds are definitely stacked against them now. His clone troopers are outnumbered by B2s this time, not just the B1s. And with the addition of the B2-DT1, the cards are certainly in Eden Keth's hands. But if they lose this position, that could be the end of the Dofom campaign. It would certainly be a pivotal step for the separatists, as they would sever all of the republic's access to the city of Ayro, which would cripple them in this campaign.
There wasn't much else to say, so Todak, his padawan, and the commander went back to the trenches to prepare. It is going to be the hardest battle yet, and a republic victory counts on the reinforcements now. If they do not arrive, the republic will indeed lose this battle. The silence is finally broken when droid gunships burst forward through the sky, met by republic gunships. A screen of blaster fire unleashes, flying back and forth across the battle between the droids and the clones. Cannons, tanks and turrets blast away from both sides as a heated and chaotic battle breaks out like two dams crumbling and releasing smashing waves against each other.
Daliss waits anxiously in the trenches for the right opportunity to jump out and into battle. The droids are moving quickly but they are still too far for her to reach with her lightsaber. She is scared by the situation before her, with the heavy pressure put on by the overwhelming numbers of general Keth's forces. Her opportunity arises though, and through her fears, Daliss N'dal pushes forth and charges into battle, with her master and captain Wac beside her.

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