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A Week Later

Tae POV:

I finally think she got used to her new routine and I hope she will do good in the job that I chose for her. It's a job where she will work right next to me so I can keep a close eye on her and be there for her whenever she needs me or wants me. For the past week I was continually sitting with her all the time during school not letting her out of my sight, I even wanted to move all of my classes to be all with hers but she said not to so and I didn't.  Today is the day that I slowly introduce her to my best friends Jimin and Jungkook I've decided to introduce her to Jimin first then Jungkook so Jimin will start spending time with her for a week, and if she like's him then I'll introduce her to Jungkook as well. As I walk into the University and saw her struggling to open her locker to get her things then I remember the first time we meet and when she opened her locker a bunch of old cafeteria food came out of her locker then I quickly look up at her and run to her and stand in front of her locker, and she looks at me with wide eyes. As we stared into each others eyes for a moment as I told her to step back and she did, then a bunch of glitter came out from the top inside of the locker. The glitter flew around us in the air as we continue to look at each other. I never really saw her in this way or thought about her like this but she looked so beautiful as I saw on the side of my eye some students gather around us and took pictures and video of this moment. As I nervously gulp and look into her eyes she pushes me away from her and I look around like nothing happened and she runs away as I chuckle at myself cause I saw her beautiful chubby cheeks turn pink as she was blushing cutely. I then call the janitor to clean the inside of her locker since her locker was filled with a bunch of glitter inside then I went to my friends Jungkook and Jimin.

Author POV:
Jimin: So how is Y/n doing?
Tae: She's getting better from what I understand.
Jimin: Oh so have you decided who to introduce her to first?
Tae: Yeah
Jungkook: And?
Tae: It's Jimin
Jungkook: What seriously?
*Jimin laughs*
Tae: For a good reason though he is charming and nice . He can make jokes if she ever feels uncomfortable but he can also protect her if he needs to?
Jungkook: I can do those things better though
*Jungkook pouts*

Time skip second period

Authors POV
Y/n was walking down the hallway from finishing her first class of the day then she remembered that she didn't have the textbook she need for her next class she was looking down the whole time not making eye contact with anyone then she hear a group of girls whispering and laughing. As Y/n walks to her locker she opens it and for the first time in a while it wasn't pranked on seems like Tae has really helped her with this school situation. As she sighs in relief and organizes her things one of the girls goes to Y/n. Y/n wasn't paying attention to her and the girl moves Y/n to look at her as they look into each other's eyes with anger. The girl chuckles and holds Y/n's jawline and moves her head looking at her face she then looks at Y/n's eyes and says.

Girl1: This will be fun

She throws Y/n on the floor this whistles a bunch of guy came out of no were and took Y/N to the recording room they threw her in front of the desk and another girl takes a tripod and sets it up. As the guys leave and guard the door the others girls go to her 

Meanwhile with Tae, Jimin, Jungkook 

Tae: Huh I can't find Y/N anywhere we always meet here so I can walk with her to are next class together.

Jimin: Maybe she's in the bathroom? 

Tae: Hey Jannie can you check the girls bathroom for Y/n

Jannie: Sure 

After 3 minutes she came out and nodded no to Taehyung 

Tae: Thanks anyways ugh I'm now worried 

Jungkook: Relax we will find her I'm sure she's okay

Back to Y/N

The girls were hurting her and ripping her clothes then one girl goes to the tripod and places a camera and connections it to the schools tv's and the girl starts talking to the camera.

Girl 1: Hey everyone come see your famous class clown Ms. Y/N look how worthless and pathetic she looks huh so thinks she can take this school's hottest guy in school and think that he is only hers *she looks at Y/N* He doesn't love you he will never will and he never did your pathetic. He is only pretend to be your friend think of it I mean suddenly he wasn't to be your friend ya right.

Tae was watching the whole thing on the tv 

Jungkook: There at the school's recording room let's go

they all run to the recording room Jungkook and Jimin take all of the girls out and the room is only left with Tae and Y/n together he looks at her and feels bad for not being able to protected her when she needed it. He run to her took off his jacket and put it on her and helped her up as she groans in pain she looks at him and he saw the bruises on her skin he hug her and she hugged him back and silently cried on his shoulder then said softly *Was it true what she said Tae?* He broke the hug and looked at her cupping her check *No it's not i r do care about you Y/n and I worry about you day and night* As the other student were watching them on the school's tv. 

Student A: Woah it's like watching a K-Drama

Tae and Y/N didn't notice that the camera was still filming them. Tae holds her arm's *Y/N all I want to do is protect you as much as I possibly can ad make you comfortable you know that right?* She nods as he steppes closer *Y/N will you be my...* then Jungkook unplugged the cord that connection the camera to every school tv screen and students were mad 

Student B: Really??? what happened why did the screen turn black?

Student C: I bet he asked her out

Student B: you think so?

Student C: I know so

Student A: Oh hush up will you now way there gonna date now 

Hey guys I know this was a short chapter what do you think happened? Did Tae ask her out? leave a comment below of what you thought about this chapter. Also sorry I haven't been uploading as consistently Midterms so I'm studying a lot for it. Thank you for your understandings and support. 

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