Twenty Three

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Then when he was done he spoke in such a low tone voice do low even the deepest ocean floor could feel it and vibrate with it.

Tae: You were so fucking hot babe

Y/N: Well I can't help it

Y/N: Hey tae can I ask you something?

Tae: Yeah what is it?

Y/N: Do you think we will be good parents?

He takes a moment to think and understands her worry or concerns for her wanting to ask this question to him because of the way her parents have treated her. He looks at her hand and hold it and shows her a comforting smile and makes you smile to right away and says "We're nothing like your parents, When I said I'll be by your side no matter what I meant it." she nodded then she kisses his lips and gets up Tae then frowns and says "where you going?" she looks at him while getting dressed "the store I want to make you a special dinner" he quickly gets up and suddenly pins her to the wall she looks at him while quickly letting a gasp out from the suddenness he's eyes darken. "I said you aren't to leave this house and your limited to this house or Jimin's no one can know about you except me and my two friends got it?"

she looks at him "Tae your being silly it's just a quick trip I promise i'll be back in no time." Tae raised his voice at her "I SAID NO!" his eyes were turned yellow and a low growl was let out she then nods to agree and he let's go of her but they don't break their eye contact. Then his phone rings it was jimin he picks up the phone and answers it "Yeah what is it... okay I'll be right there" he hangs up and tells Y/n "Ill have the guards keeping a eye on you they will deny any request of you living these house got it" she nods slightly. Then he kisses her cheek puts his hand on her belly then quickly gets dressed and leaves she sighs "Looks like we will be eating alone today my little baby."  She makes her way to the kitchen and makes herself food meanwhile Taehyun is driving to work he did cancel all of his office meetings for the day except for the staff review meeting. He was driving to work with and stone cold face getting ready to enter his building he arrived at his office building and parks his car right outside at his designated parking spot that was reserved only for him. He then fix his suit, clears his throat and enters the build to men on each side of the double doors open. The doors to him while each door men had a bodyguard beside them. they bowed down to greet Taehyung as he entered the building without making any eye contact with them. As Taehyung was now inside three different women come up to him asking for photos, interviews, signs autographs other women saw him as well and also went to him the bodyguards quickly came and make space between the women and Taehyung. As they guided him to the elevators the bodyguard pressed the call button for the elevator to come and it quickly did the bodyguards made a barricade for the women so they wouldn't be able to enter the elevator as Taehyung went in but they didn't enter with him. As Taehyung pressed a button the elevator doors quickly close and the women sighs in disappointment Tae looks at his watch and sighs then the elevator doors open he walks out and was greeted by Jimin.

Jimin: okay so we have something we want you to take a look at it has to do with y/n and her family.
Taehyung pov:
Since I've found y/n and since me and jimin took her in we wanted to know more about her family's relationship and background history. We have found small things here or there but nothing crazy or anything. As Jimin hands me a file while we both walk into a meeting room there I see Jungkook I only let them be in the loop when it comes to my y/n especially now that she's the mother of my child. I sit down at the head of the table in-front of the big screen I look through the file jimin handed me and I start to read it carefully making sure I get every single word and detail in it.
Taehyung: and you're 100% sure on this information?
I see Jimin nod in response as I look back at this file the file reads as y/n's dad was not only gonna sell her to the really bad group of people but also a forced marriage with the head leader. There my enemies they are not good people trust me they will do to you is so bad you would wish you could die as quickly as possible. I signed and looked angery no one can have her she's mine and only mine then I wonder if they have been looking for her ever since I resqued her from her evil father I onc agian looked up at jimin and asked him. 

Taehyung: Are they currently searching for her?

Jungkook: As of right now no there are no sighs of them searching for her.

Taehyung: Okay if there's any record of them tracking her let me know as soon as possible.

Jungkook: I will 

Jimin: How's Y/N?

Taehyung: She asked me if she could go to some quick shopping

Jungkook: And what did you say?

Taehyung: I told her no

Later Taehyung comes back home and he smells something really good smelling from the kitchen and a slight smile appears on his face. He takes his jacket off and puts his keys down and take his phone out and checks it for a quick secound and puts it down on the entrance table then he looks around but doesn't really hear her or her voice. 

Taehyung: Babe? 

There wasn't a response 

Taehyung: Babe? baby?

He walks to the living room nad there is no sign on her and goes to their bedroom and still no sign on her and he calls her out once again and there is still nothing. He then takes a secound to think for himself and quickly goes to the kitchen what if the enemy found her and took her what if she got hurt. So many different situations popped up in my mind and I couldn't beileve the scene infront of me I was standing there like a statue completely frozen not moving a muscle or  a limp. 

Authors Note: 

Thank you so much for 1.3K reads I woke up one day and saw that and I couldn't believe it. Thank you so much for loving this fanfic of taehyung more new stories coming soon!

I've not been active for two reasons college reasons and health reasons hope you guys understand again thank you so much for the love and support!

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