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Y/n's POV:

I got ready and did the normal schedule routine I do every morning this time my parents never came home last night I wondered why but it was nice. No one was yelling or screaming I felt so relieved then I heard a knock on the door I put the scrub in the bucket filled with water and soap. As I went to the door I quickly grab a cloth to dry off my hands to open the door. As I open it I saw three police man at the door I stayed calm and teied not to panic.

Y/n: Hello officer what's seems to be the problem?
Officer 1: We have your Father in custody we need to talk with your mother is she home?
Y/n: No officer she never came home sir. May I politely ask why my dad is in custody he never did anything wrong?

I'm forced to say these things about my parents by them or they will punish me for good.

Officer 2: We found out he is abusing his household family members are you one of them?
Y/n: sir
Officer 3: Then what's that on your arm?

Shoot did he see my bruise quick make up a lie y/n quick
Y/n: Oh this I got hurt from sports Class so nothing to worry about.
Officer 1: Okay well you can always call us if you want to tell us the truth

I just nod there politely as they leave and I close the door then I dance my little happy dance. My father is finally gone and locked up I'm finally free from him I'm safe.

~Time skip~

I've been basically living by myself for the past few days and I haven't still seen or heard anything about my mom. In the other hand my dad got arrested I eventually stuck up to this and told them everything. I'm now going inside my old bedroom I used to sleep in it hasn't changed a bit my pink and purple walls the unicorn shaped side lamp beside my twin bed but my room is all really dusty and dirty no one came in here for years there spider webs everywhere. I still don't have a job so I collected all of the money I could find around the house and sat on the kitchen dinner table and counted it.

Y/n: Okay I have about $1.20 and one old pin ugh this isn't enough. I guess I'm gonna finally start working okay let's see here.

I grabbed the news paper and looked to see who was hiring I called so many people over and over and no one wanted to hire me they said I needed experience. How do I get experience when no one will hire me in the first place? This was so confusing then I heard a knock on the door I opened it and Taehyung was there standing I let him in and he looked around.

Tae: So you live here? This house is so small and so outdated.
Y/n: Yeah but it's still functional and working well except the water system we barely get hot water. Wanna tour of this place?
Tae: yeah
Y/n: So this is the kitchen in here we have a small dining table then here we have the living room then this is the bathroom and here's my parents room and umm this room well it's mine.
She opens the door and his eyes was widened it looks like someone hasn't been using the room over 4 or 5 years.
Tae: Why is there webs and stuff
Y/n: Yeah umm there's something you should know my dad knocked me out of this room when I was like 6 and I have been sleeping in the basement ever since then. It was a toxic family and I hated it but ever since my dad got arrested it was nice I felt almost free.
Tae: what about your mom?
Y/n: I honestly have no idea what happened to her all I know is that she had some random one night stand with some random guy at a bar and never came back.

Tae's POV:
I finally got Y/n's dad and convinced him to confessed to what he did to Y/n. He was tied up to a chair bleeding badly right after me convincing him with my punches and getting him to admit on a tape recorder. Now it's his word against himself I punched him one more time then I grabbed a document to him with a pen.
Tae's: See this document hmm? This is your record of what you have been doing illegally this on top of abusing your own child would maybe give you the death penalty.

~Time skip~
After I got her dad to admit himself to the police I went to y/n's mom's bar that she normally goes to I sit next to her at the bar And gave her an envelope she takes it looks inside and sees a shit amount of money in there and new passport, ID and new driver's license and everything.
Tae: Leave Y/n and your husband and go book a flight as far away from here as you can and as well here.

I gave her some documents it was divorced papers her husband sighed it already I gave her the pen. She looks at it and without hesitation she sighed it and I chuckled.
Tae: Now your officially free but if I ever catch you abusing anyone I'll hurt you myself.
~End of Flashback~

Y/n: So ya that is the end of the house tour pretty much umm well come sit I'll make you coffee.

They go to the kitchen and tae sits down and watches her make coffee then he says something.
Tae: I want to see it
Y/n: See what?
Tae: The bruises
Y/n: Umm I don't...
She gets cut off by Tae
Tae: Feel comfortable I get it you don't need to get naked but just show me just a few of them.
She sighs
Y/n: Fine
She gives him his coffee and lifts her sleeves up revealing her bruises he looks at them then looks at her.
Tae: Is that all of them?
Y/n: N..No I have others ..... Umm all over my body I mean from my father he throw empty glass beer bottles at me.
Tae: He did that to you?
Y/n: Y...ya but it's okay I could handle it now and I'm used to it.
Tae: I'm glad that he got arrested for his crimes  hey um if you want you can stay at my house anytime you like to.
Y/n: Oh that's kind of you but that won't be needed I have a house here and everything I need now I think I can survive on my own plus it will be good for me.
Tae: Okay but I'll always be here if you change your mind just in case okay.

Tae's POV:
After a while I went back home to figure the rest out for her like where she will work for my company and where her bedroom will be or female products and clothes. I really do hope she will take this opportunity and live with me and be treated like a actual human a person not just some animal like her parents did to her. I still couldn't believe that her parents treated her this way for so long and got away with it for this long how come no one else noticed these things about her?

Sorry for this short chapter I've been really busy this week with family and friends and college and work. 

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