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-At home office-
Jimin: So what's are angle now Tae?
Tae looks at him and thinks
Tae: I'm going to take it
Jimin: What no you cannot be serious about this I mean we don't know it's side effects on you not to mention  your wolf side? How well do you think it will take this stuff I mean come on Tae. I mean not knowing what this thing is can overwhelm your not only human side but your wolf side to.
Tae: I rather take that risk and knowing what this stuff does then not knowing what it can do or even how powerful it truly is. So I'm taking it rather you like it or not in contacting are personal health advisor to make sure my health stays intact.
Jimin: Taehyung do you not hear yourself your basically setting yourself up for a suicide mission. Plus didn't your hear the Dr that invented this stuff if you take it and you die under it's influence you die for good there's no saving you EVER! So no your not doing this at all GOT THAT!!
Taehyung sighs: Fine then I won't
Then Tae gets a call
Taehyung: Yep hmh yes we will be right there
Taehyung hangs up and looks at Jimin
Jimin: Who was it?
Taehyung: It's Dr. Snow she wants us to meet her at her lap come on.

-At Dr.Snow's lap-
Taehyung: Dr. Snow were here
She goes to him
Dr. Snow: Great Okay I'm willing to show you this but if you promise not to let another soul know about this without my knowledge or consent.
Jimin & Taehyung: Yes
She goes to a patient and they followed her
Dr. Snow: This patient was a volunteer her name is Choi Hoshi she is 19 years old and she has been living independently since she what 13.
Jimin: Okay what does have to do with this subtense?
Dr. Snow: Meaning her earth-x also knowing her personal hell is reliving one specific day the day she was kicked out.
Taehyung: When she was 13
Dr. Snow: Right but that's not the only thing the patient next to her is this guy his name is Min Yoongi he is reliving another different specific day as well. That day we believe the day he was fighting over his parents we still can't get much info but that's what we know from now so you see we're I'm going at this?
Jimin: Yes this stuff makes you relieve a moment we're you suffered the most.
Dr. Snow: Exactly expect my last to volunteers Nora and Alex there siblings but they lived a perfect life with the perfect family and friends
Taehyung: So what day are they we relieving then?
Dr. Snow: Well it could be many things see Nora here is like jumping time to time to one fear to other.
Jimin: meaning?
Dr. Snow: One time she's getting eaten by sharks the next she goes falling through the sky.
Jimin: Dam and Alex?
Dr. Snow: For him it's different his relieving something completely different we just can't tell yet of what that is.
Taehyung: I want to experience it please doctor Snow please
Dr. Snow: Fine lay on the bed but don't make me regret this

He lays on the bed she strapped him up to heart monitors and takes the clear vile with the substance and looks at him.

Dr. Snow: Be ready to fight and defend yourself and remember if you die in earth-x
Taehyung: Yeah I die for real
She nods
Taehyung: Okay then let's just go with this
She injected him he then fall asleep
Jimin: Well that was anti-come climatic

~Meanwhile with Taehyung~
Taehyung's POV

I wake up in some kind of office space look's like I was waiting for someone. I was sitting in front of someone's desk looking at an empty chair then a women came in. Her back was face towards me and she was talking to another employee and then she turned around and closed the door and sat down in front of me. I was in shock to see it's Y/n her hair is all black with bright red lipstick black heels and a black tight silk dress that shaped her body finger. Then she spoke in this dark sexy tone but she seemed so cold to the touch.

Y/n: Mr. Kim well isn't it my pleasure to see you here
Tae: Y-yeah I guess
Y/n chuckles a little with a smirk and looks at him
Y/n: Are you here for a certain reason? Like perhaps are deal?
Tae: W..what deal?
Y/n: Of you working for me was I that good that I made you forget about it?
She stands up grabs a remote and presses a button. Then all of the windows blinds went down and then all of the glass double door in her office turned black
Tae: I-I um
She puts the remote down and walks to him in a very sexy way and sits on his lap and raps her arms around his neck.
Y/n: You came for more Mr. Kim? How much do you want me hmm?
Tae: R..really bad
Tae mind: This world and her y/n she's so different from my y/n but god damm this is making her so sexy.
Y/n: oh really then you don't mind if I?
She puts her hand on my lap and undoes the belt and takes out my member she starts rubbing it oh how I wish this was really but it feels all really real. She then gets up and goes on her knees she puts his member in her mouth as I left out a low groan and but my bead back. N..no this isn't real but man what is she doing to me. I quickly stand up she stops and takes it out of her mouth.
Y/n: Are we not in the mood Mr. Kim?
Tae: umm no no as much as I would love to I have to go
I quickly buckled my belt and etc. and she sat back down in her chair and she smirk while I take my leave and exit her office.

Then I wake up seeing Jimin and Dr. Snow right next to me as I breathe heavily.
Dr. Snow: Wow you got out of there really fast why what happened?
Tae: Paradise on hell happened come on Jimin let's go
Jimin: But-
Tae: let's go Jimin
And they leave the lab and they get home and Jimin and tae go to Tae's home office
Jimin: okay what happened there?
Tae: y/n she was so different to now she was so confident and sexy and so independent and beautiful and even more then anything attractive. The only thing was I knew it wasn't her it was a made up version of her.
Jimin: oh seems like you like her and I mean like like her maybe even love love her.
Tae: oh shut up.

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